Friday, May 15, 2020

Learning A Second Language Is Important Today - 884 Words

Learning a second language is important in America today. Just going to the grocery store there is chatter of different languages being spoken. In any occupation it is beneficial to know a foreign language to be better efficient on workforce tasks. Students go to school with peers who make up a global classroom. Children have a natural curiosity and excitement to speak a foreign language and to learn about new cultures. It challenges and helps develop the growing brain to be able to problem solve more adequately. Elementary school students should learn a second language because it helps them understand other cultures and become good critical thinkers, learn language skills, and gain confidence with communication. Development of a child’s brain is at its prime, and neuron growth explodes in Elementary school into Middle school age. The abundance of the neurons will not last and a child’s brain has not seen this much growth since toddler years. With this brain growth, ski lls become more automatic and specialized for the student. In early Elementary years as the brain matures with fibers it is helping them form memories, and the connection of new learning to previous learning is easier. Teaching a second language at this time is a great opportunity for the advantage of the brain, which is ready to learn and structure the environment so the child can learn. Children live in a global society, which helps them have a natural curiosity about the world, and how it works. LearningShow MoreRelatedThe Importance Of English Language In Thailand1427 Words   |  6 PagesIn this research, I’m going to focusing on the English as a language is being taught in many countries oversea today including Thailand. In fact, you’ll be surprising to know that English is required for many of the students in many countries. 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