Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Letter Of A Birmingham Jail By Bryan Loritts - 877 Words

In the Letter to a Birmingham Jail edited by Bryan Loritts, the reader is given several reflections from various individuals who were influenced by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. s A Letter from Birmingham Jail. These various accounts contain an overall theme of injustice, inequality and focus on how the church plays a pivotal role in correcting such societal issues. In the section, A Painful Joyful Journey, the reader reviews the life of Crawford W. Lorittis Jr. and his navigation in the North as an educated black man. In this section he addresses the many societal adjustments he had to encounter throughout life. Often criticized by both the Black and White community, Lorritis sought validation from both groups, as a way to gain self-worth. Proving Yourself to Whites Taking into consideration the controversial and unjust time period, Lorittis Northern upbringing was very progressive in comparisons to most black families living within the South. Reflecting on his childhood Lorittis states, I did not grow up feeling uncomfortable around white people; nor did I feel the need for their approval in order for me to feel good about myself (137). His parents migrating to the North afforded him a better living, and as a result a he was raised in a moderately secured environment. With that said, the majority of Lorittis schooling was integrated and as a result he truly didn t feel the effects of segregation and racism. When entering his predominate white college, it is

Friday, December 20, 2019

Essay on Comparison of The Giver and Brave New World

What one may think of as being a Utopia could be a dystopia to another. Lowis Lowry’s 1993 novel â€Å"The Giver† may seem like a remake of the 1932 â€Å"Brave New World† by Aldous Huxley given their similar plot lines, but these two novels also have their differences. Jonas and Bernard, the protagonists of the novels, both have an intelligence that wants to know more, that wants to know what is outside of this Utopian place they live in. Both Lowry and Huxley have very different family situations. Lastly, both these societies live in their own definitions of Utopia, but the roots of their government have a resemblance to Plato’s Republic. Although Jonas is very young in age, similar to Bernard, he has a deep curiosity for things that are†¦show more content†¦The way the men speak of the women disgusts Bernard; they act as if the women are pieces of meat. Both men from both novels have some sort of physical flaw that outcasts them from the rest of the people. Bernard is shorter than most and Jonas has unusual eyes. The family situation is quite different in both novels. The members of The Giver community have a structure quite like ours. Each family unit has a mother, father, daughter and son. In Huxley’s novel, each person lives alone in an apartment. They have no spouse or child. The only partners they have are their temporary sexual partners. It is discouraged for them to have one partner for a long period of time. Birth in both societies is significantly dissimilar. Birthmothers, in Lowry’s novel, are the only women that give birth to children. They do not get to keep the child, or even see the child. These children are then sent to Nurturing Centers, where they spend one year before being sent to live with a family. In â€Å"Brave New World† there is no woman that sits through a nine month pregnancy. All babies come to life at the Central London Hatchery and Conditioning Centre. The lower caste systems, Gamma, Delta and Epsilons, undergo the Bokanovsky Process. Most o f the women in the society are freemartins and they are required to use the Malthusian Drill, which is a form of birth control. Similar to how the â€Å"Brave New World† community members are conditioned toShow MoreRelatedMass Consumption And Mass Production Essay2183 Words   |  9 Pagescompensate for their suppression. In the field of economics mass consumption is an economic theory; and economists define mass- consumption society as the society in which all people expand their range of consumer goods. The idea of mass consumption is new in the human history because it requires mass production and both are based on the development of science and technology. Mass consumption and mass production require opulence which was not available in the past. 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Productive and non-productive word building prefixes†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦...†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦41 2.4. Some prefixes in the English language in comparison with the Uzbek language†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.52 Conclusion†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦.57 The list of used literature†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..61 INTRODUCTION This Qualification Paper is devoted to the theme  «Prefixation in the EnglishRead MoreParental Grief Essay14598 Words   |  59 Pagesreflecting on parental grief-a childs death is disorienting, and letting go of a child is impossible. Parents never forget a child who dies. The bond they formed with their child extends beyond death. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Diary of a Slave on a Plantation free essay sample

Today, I arrived at the plantation with my younger brother. Cannot believe that I had survived the entire Journey from Africa to America below deck. Even though, I had tried to kill myself, twice, by not eating. Alas, they prevented me by placing some sort of screw device in my mouth in order to open it and force me to eat. After the second attempt, I realized there will be no one to take care of my young brother, so I tried my best to keep myself, and my brother, alive. We had some trouble when a customer bought me.I argued with my master to also buy my brother with me, in which he finally agreed, but for half the price. I have always heard rumors about masters that whip slaves who dont do their Job. I fear for my brother more than myself, for he does not do well with following orders. We will write a custom essay sample on Diary of a Slave on a Plantation or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page My master shoved us Inside the barn, where he told us the rules of the place. Finally, when he finished blabbering, he gave us the tools to start working. Then while working, I realized we were the only slaves around. October 14, 1857 Work. Work. Work. That word is now stuck in my head.I cannot remember anything that happened in the past few months except working. Occasionally, My Master beats us up for fun. He picks up a whip on his way out, whips us a few times, then he goes on to his outing. The same thing happens when he gets home. Until today. Today, his wife got out of the house for the first time, with suitcases packed up. Then my master yelled at her from the door and slammed It shut. He got out late at night, which was unusual for him, because he usually closes his lights at 9:pep. M. When he came back, about 2:AAA. M. , he looked drunk like hell.He grabbed the stone whip, with spikes on the edge. He has never touched that whip ever, must have saved it for disobedient slaves; luckily we are as good as a lamb. Then he grabbed my brother, waking him from his sleep, and whipped him hard. I was shocked of what he did. I tried to fight him for my brother, but he would Just whip me once and go on with my brother. I then pleaded him to hit me instead, but he Just wouldnt listen. Then finally, he stopped. Amazingly, I saw tears drop from his eyes. Tears actually coming out, but I am not sure if it was for killing my brother or he loss of his wife.When I saw my brother, I knew it was too late he was dead. February 27, 1858 It has been quiet since my brother died. It felt Like everything died with him. I could no longer hear the birds singing, or feel the wind passing by. Even my master has stopped whipping me: maybe he doesnt want to risk losing another slave. His Then I saw my master leaving the house, he looked at me for a minute, then looked at the plantation. He realized that more work had been done when my brother was alive. Then he went on. When he came back, he brought with him a slave, a female lave. She was beautiful, like the sun rising from the east. I felt that my worries had left me. Then I saw my master smiling, he must have wanted us to get married, and have children. That way, he could get free slaves. When my master left, I went up to the woman. She Just kept on working, pretending to not know I was there. Until I coughed, did she turn around to look at me. I realized that my master gave us quick glances to see how we are doing. At night, I decided to sleep on the hay sack and let the woman sleep on the bed. For it would be strange or two people of the opposite gender, to sleep in the same bed without getting married.December 3, 1858 Today, my wife is expecting her first child. Of course, my master gladly funded the doctor, for he was cheaper than a slave. I could hear my wifes screams of pain. I was pacing back and forth outside the house, waiting to hear the news. Until finally, the screaming ceased, and the doctor came out rubbing his glasses. It is a boy, he told me. My face grew to a wide grin, tears almost falling from my eyes. I could not stop thanking the doctor and shaking his hands. Then I remembered my brother. I grew silent and sat on the porch.The tears in my eyes finally fell across my cheeks. Oh how I wish my brother was here to see my son. He would have been happy to be a role model for him. My master came out of the house with a smile on his face. He now has a third slave to work on his plantation. He saw my state of remorse, and welcomed me inside to see my son and clean up. He told me that he is going to make a celebration for the birth of my son (his new slave). When I went inside, I washed my face so that I would not ruin the happy moment for my wife. I came in the room. I saw my wife holding he baby between her arms.Tears of Joy falling from her eyes. She looked at me with a bright smile across her face. September 30, 1865 After the Civil War, my family was set free. We decided however, to stay at the plantation and get paid for our work. This was the only thing we were good at. My almost 7-year old son, my wife, and I will stay here where I buried my brother. We couldnt think of a way to live if we ever set foot in other towns. My boss, former master, gladly accepted the offer of us getting paid. Even though it was a small amount, it was still enough to keep us living.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Gasoline Essay Research Paper The price of free essay sample

Gasoline Essay, Research Paper The monetary value of gasolene is a major involvement to about everyone in the state and about everyplace in the universe. It seems that every month or even more often, gas monetary values are either lifting or dropping but neer remaining stable. Gasoline monetary values are affected by many factors, including the monetary value of rough oil in the universe market, supply and demand for gasolene, local market competition, impermanent supply breaks, authorities ordinances, or taxes.Gasoline is produced by a distillment procedure where petroleum oil is heated and exhausts are captured and converted into many merchandises such as kerosine, jet fuel, and gasolene to call a few. Therefore the monetary value of rough oil, which is extracted from oil Wellss beneath the Earth s surface, is a major factor in gas monetary values. The five prima oil bring forthing states and their approximative portions of the universe supply of oil are: Soviet Union 21 % , Saudi Arabia 17 % , The United States 15 % , Venezuela 4 % , and Mexico 4 % . These five states made up 61 % of the universes oil production back in 1980. Even though the United States is a major manufacturer of oil, it does non do them self-sufficing. The United States uses more oil than they can bring forth and must look toward foreign states. Therefore, the United States is forced to cover with an organisation called O.P.E.C. The ground the United States goes through O.P.E.C. , is non merely in its ain involvements, but besides in the involvements of its Alliess and in the involvement of keeping universe peace. O.P.E.C. which stands for Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, is made up of 13 states: Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, Qatar, Indonesia, Libya, United Arab Emirates, Algeria, Nigeria, Ecuador, and Gabon. It controls about four fifths of the universes oil militias in the non-Communist universe. O.P.E.C. was founded in Baghdad, Iraq in September of 1960. The central offices were ab initio set in Geneva, but were subsequently mo ved to Vienna in 1965. O.P.E.C. was organized in response to oil bring forthing states that did non confer with with the Middle Eastern oil provinces before take downing their rough oil monetary values. The manufacturers feared that other states would set up monopolies. The purpose of O.P.E.C. was to make a cosmopolitan monetary value between the states, in order to guarantee peace between oil manufacturers throughout the universe. O.P.E.C. besides wanted to supply its members with proficient and economic support in times of demand, since non all the states were wholly stable. Even though the end of O.P.E.C. was to set up steadfastly incorporate monetary values among their members, the organisation was non ever successful. In their quest for control over the universe market of oil production, they have run into several obstructions and setbacks.O.P.E.C. has hardly survived due to internal struggles among its members. Since O.P.E.C. about has a complete clasp on the universes oil sup ply, the United States is highly concerned with the countries instability. The Middle East and the Persian Gulf country, where most of the members are located, are highly prone to wars, both civil and transverse boundary lines. They are frequently plagued by spiritual conflicts and places of power are often overthrown, doing it difficult for any stableness to come out of the country. Anytime there is pandemonium in the Middle East, the United States thinks back on # 8220 ; # 8230 ; memories of other problems in the Persian Gulf country: the Arab oil trade stoppage in 197374, the Persian revolution in 197980 and Saddam Hussein s invasion of Kuwait in 1990 # 8243 ; ( Hancock 53 ) . The country is besides critical to our Alliess, who would be crippled without Gulf oil, whose support we are dependent on. In 1973, O.P.E.C. raised oil monetary values 70 % . # 8220 ; The dominant Middle Eastern members of O.P.E.C. used succeeding monetary value additions as a political arm. They aimed it at Western states in revenge for their support of Israel against its Arab neighbours in the alleged Yom Kippur War of October 1973. They consequently raised monetary values another 130 % at the Tehran Conference of December 1973, and a impermanent trade stoppage was placed on the United States and the Netherlands at the same time. # 8220 ; Other monetary value additions followed in 1975, 1977, 1979, and 1980, which finally raised the monetary value of a barrel of rough oil in The United States from $ 3.00 in 1973 to $ 30.00 in 1980 # 8243 ; ( Glasner 107 ) . Almost every college pupil has heard narratives from friends or relations about the gas crunch in the 1970 s. People waited in lines that stretched for stat mis, and could merely acquire gas on certain yearss depending on the first missive of your last name. O.P.E.C. used the money they raised to put in other states, placed in foreign Bankss, currency markets, and to assist their ain economic systems through inner developme nt. O.P.E.C. is besides highly interested in maximising net incomes, but in such a trust, happening a monetary value that will maximise net incomes is impossible. O.P.E.C. has attempted to raise monetary values several times by cutting production. Harmonizing to economic theory, a lessening in supply will give higher monetary values. These are some of the grounds the United States must offer stableness and continue to hold military personnels in the country. They must step in when the universes oil and its monetary values are in jeopardy.Currently rough oil monetary values are lifting due to the bombardments in Saudi Arabia. # 8220 ; It has continued to surge, to more than $ 24 a barrel, up 34 % from one twelvemonth ago, the highest degree since the 1991 Persian Gulf War # 8221 ; ( Borenstein 49 ) . O.P.E.C. has contributed this addition to several factors: foremost, the lifting demand of rough oil throughout the universe. Second, the tight stock lists because of the belief that s upplies are traveling to run low. Third, the current convulsion that exists in the country and 4th, the heating demands of the abnormally cold winter. These factors have already raised the monetary values of Diesel fuel, jet fuel, and place warming oil. This is of major concern to teamsters, air hoses, and place warming oil companies. Because of these monetary value additions, air hose ticket monetary values will besides increase. These are merely a few of the elements that affect monetary values, but none of them have adequate power to greatly alter the monetary values that exist at the pumps. The demand of rough oil is ever cy clical. The United States demands more gasolene in spring and summer months than in the autumn or winter, due to people driving more. The current tendency in vehicles has moved to larger sport public-service corporation vehicles from little economic system autos of the yesteryear. These big athletics public-service corporation vehicles consumes more gas and gets fewer stat mis per gallon. The state is invariably seeking for new and more efficient signifiers of energy. More significantly the state is seeking for agencies of energy that will non do Americans poorer. Another break of the U.S. production of oil came during the spring of 1990 when Iraq accused Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates of restricting oil production. This badly down universe oil monetary values and cost Iraq one million millions of dollars in one-year gross. On August 2, 1990, the president of Iraq, Saddam Hussein, invaded and occupied the little Arab province of Kuwait. Hussein set afire 730 of Kuwait s oil Wellss that spilled elephantine pools of oil and killed all environing carnal life. Even though Hussein burned and spilled Kuwait s oil, it did non straight affect the monetary value of gasolene in the U.S. This small crisis, which is known as the Gulf War, cost Iraq states purchasing their oil and wasted a valuable natural resource that could someday be gone from the earth.Recently, Saddam Hussein has threatened fuel resources once more. Hussein does non O.K. of the United Nations look intoing his private castles for chemical warfare arms, so he has made it even harde r to purchase fuel from Iraq. Purportedly he has landmines around the oil Wellss so no 1 can travel near them. Several breaks in the United States production of oil have staggered the state # 8217 ; s production. The United States is the lone major oil bring forthing state where the land proprietor has owned oil bring forthing evidences and non belongings of the authorities. This makes for inefficient boring since one party is non wholly responsible for garnering all the oil. Average productions per good are merely 15 barrels per twenty-four hours, far less than any other oil bring forthing states. Alaska has the best oil bring forthing land, but due to the land and rough clime, it makes it difficult to garner. Developing methods of transit which slows assemblage of the oil is besides really expensive. # 8220 ; Several refineries ; on the West Coast, in the East and on the Gulf Coast, have experienced operational troubles which affected merchandise supplies in the market place # 8221 ; ( Goulder 187 ) It is rumored that there are supply armored combat vehicles buried someplace near the Gulf of Mexico that could back up the state for 66 yearss if anything were to go on. The United States and other states have been looking into alternate signifiers of energy to take down their dependence toward foreign oil. Money is being spent into researching solar, hydro, atomic, and jump signifiers of energy.Government ordinances besides create alterations in gas monetary values. California has late gone through monetary value additions at the pumps due to new statute law. The province is to a great extent overpopulated and has the worst smog of all the provinces. California gas Stationss are altering to a cleansing agent gas that will do less air pollution, but will be more expensive. The addition is about 1012 cents. That is the monetary value Californians are traveling to hold to pay for cleaner air. This is another authorities ordinance which they aim toward the refin ers of the oil. The authorities is seting force per unit area to alter from their winter classs which they oxygenate, to summer classs that have lower evaporability, assisting the environment. The cost to exchange fuels shows up at the pumps and the populace has to pay for governmental research and environmental safeguards. Even with the addition in monetary values, the United States doesn Ts have it every bit bad as other states. The U.S. pays an norm of $ 1.21 per gallon of gasolene. Japan pays $ 5.35 per gallon, Germany pays $ 4.04 per gallon, The United Kingdom pays $ 3.38 per gallon and Mexico pays $ 1.55 per gallon. All four are greater than what the United States wages. Taxs are the largest constituent of the monetary values we pay at the pumps. # 8220 ; Taxes were the individual largest constituent cost of gasolene, amounting to 42.4 cents per gallon, including 18.4 cents per gallon in federal revenue enhancements, 22 cents per gallon in leaden mean province revenue enhance ments and an estimated two cents per gallon in local revenue enhancements # 8221 ; ( Goulder 49 ) . The President of The United States of America, Bill Clinton, has on several occasions proposed to increase the revenue enhancements put on gas. In 1993 Clinton proposed a gas revenue enhancement that raised the monetary values at the pumps by 7.5 cents per gallon, a 6 % addition of the monetary value. Then in 1996, Bill Clinton proposed to raise gas revenue enhancements by an extra 2.5 % . Clinton wanted to raise monetary values 10 cents per gallon overall in his four old ages in office, all portion of his # 8220 ; shortage decrease plan. # 8221 ; Clinton s full run was based around non aching the American people with revenue enhancements, but one time in the White House, he has made the record books with the highest sum of gasolene revenue enhancements of all time. Taxs are so much a portion of the monetary values we pay that # 8220 ; +in 1981 when pump monetary values where at a n all clip high of $ 2.27 per gallon, the revenue enhancements were merely 27.7 cents per gallon. The existent cost of motor gasolene to consumers fell by a dollar per gallon between 1981 and 1995, but over the same period federal, province and local motor gasolene revenue enhancements increased by about 15 cents per gallon # 8221 ; ( Chandler 1 ) . Taxes in the United provinces have increased an norm of 15.6 % in the last three old ages. Many factors influence the monetary values of gasolene. The monetary value of rough oil affects gasolene monetary values in the universe market, supply and demand for gasolene, local market competition, impermanent supply breaks, authorities ordinances, or revenue enhancements. Every twenty-four hours new things can go on to alter the monetary values that American consumers pay at the pumps. The United States is dependent on foreign oil and must go on to guarantee stableness in the Middle East, or until we have found alternate beginnings of energy . Taxes will go on to mount due to the rise of authorities control. Regulations will go on to go stricter until gasoline use is more environmentally friendly. It looks as if gas monetary values will go on to fluctuate, but over clip will lift.