Thursday, November 28, 2019

Honeywell Case Summary Essay Example

Honeywell Case Summary Essay Honeywell, Inc. and Integrated Risk ManagementThe finance committe of Honeywell, Inc. must decide whether to approve a new type of risk management contract or not. This new risk management program is to provide combined protection against Honeywell’s currency translation risk along with all traditionally-insured global risks, in a multiyear, insurance-based, integrated risk management program. The committees vote would depend upon whether the anticipated cost savings of the program could be realized, and whether the coverage it offered was adequate. According to the Exhibits, Honeywell had suffered some risks and volatility. New risk management seemed to be on demand for stabilization. The case study suggests the comparison of the traditional and newly suggested risk management method and the changing points. Also it explains how those things may be valuable.Honeywell’s new risk management basically suggested ‘integration’. Specifically, new risk management suggested 2.5-year insurance-based contract that covered all traditionally insured global risks and currency translation risk (in other words, treasury-based integrated program with trigger option). While traditional risk management tools are a mixture of separate insurances and options, the proposed contract is an insurance with an annual aggregate retention of $30 million with the option. The old policy is repeated annually while the proposed contract is in a 2.5-year period. Additionally, the premium is cheaper than the traditional risk management as through ‘portfolio effect’.According to the simulating results exhibit 9, we can find that the standard deviation of total cost of risk for the proposed program is $3,819,568 while the one for the existing program is 15,793,879. The proposed program can reduce the total risk of the firm if the simulating results are real. To add, the simulated results also show that the estimates annual premium savings is about 20%.Thus , it is real challenge

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Elision in Italian - Italian Elision

Elision in Italian - Italian Elision In Italian linguistics, elision is the omission of a unaccented final vowel before a word beginning with a vowel or the (since the letter â€Å"h† is silent). Normally, in spoken Italian, many elisions take place unconsciously, but only a portion of them are accepted forms in written Italian where they are marked with an apostrophe. A phenomenon similar to elision is called vocalic apocopation. It differs from elision, though, since an apostrophe is never used. The Spoken Elision and the Written Elision In theory, elisions are possible whenever two vowels are adjacent at the beginning or end of adjoining words- especially when those vowels are the same. In practice though, elisions have become less frequent in contemporary Italian, which is ironic since the so-called d eufonica has become increasingly common. Certain elisions seem automatic, like how â€Å"lamico - (male) friend† and â€Å"lamica - (female) friend† sound much better than â€Å"lo amico† and â€Å"la amica.† However, others may appear superfluous, like â€Å"una idea  » unidea.† And certain joined elisions result in awkward spellings with more apostrophes than necessary, like â€Å"dunaltra casa - of another home.† Here are the primary words that can be elided in Italian: Lo, la (as articles or pronouns), una and compounds, questo, questa, quello, quella Lalbero - TreeL’uomo - ManLho vista - I saw her / itUnantica via - an old streetNient’altro - Nothing elseNessunaltra- Nothing elseQuestorso - This bearQuestalunna - This student The preposition â€Å"di† and other grammatical morphemes ending in -i, like the pronouns mi, ti, si, vi Dandare - About goingDItalia - Of ItalyDell’altro - OtherD’accordo - Of agreement (e.g Sono d’accordo - I agree)D’oro - Of goldMha parlato - He talked to meMascolti? - Are you listening to me?Talzi presto? - Did you get up early?Savvià ² - He proceededSudirono - (They) were heardVilludono - They are deceiving you The preposition da is usually not elided, except in a few fixed phrases Daltronde - MoreoverD’altra parte - Somewhere elseDora in poi - From now on For ci and gli (and also as an article), there must be continuity with the usual spelling of the sounds: ci, ce, cia, cio, ciu; gli, glie, glia, glio, gliu. That is to say, ci is elided before e- or i-, while gli elides only before another i-. Accordingly cindicà ² la strada - he / she showed us the roadCà ¨ - there isc’era(no) - there was / there areCeravamo - There wasglItaliani - ItaliansGlimpedironoT’acchiappo - I catch you Some exceptions are: ci andà ² - he / she went thereci obbligarono - they forced usgli alberi - treesgli ultimi - the last The particle (particella) : se nandà ² - he / she left. Many other words such as santo, santa, senza, bello, bella, buono, buona, grande: SantAngelo - Saint AngelSantAnna - Saint AnnaSenzaltro - Certainly, definitelyBellaffare - Good businessBellamica - Good friendBuon’anima - Good soulGranduomo - Great man Others: Mezz’ora - Half hourA quattr’occhi - Face to faceArdo d’amore - I’m burning with love for you

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Models of Stress Theory and how they apply to First Responder Research Paper

Models of Stress Theory and how they apply to First Responder - Research Paper Example The present paper discusses the similarities and differences between the demand control support and effort-reward imbalance models of stress together with application of these models to first responders. Key words in this paper will include demand, control, effort, reward, and first responders. The two models have a correlation so that the direction of change caused by either increase or decrease of demands, control, and support corresponds to the direction of change caused by either the increase or decrease of efforts and rewards. Therefore, whereas high demands, involving situations that allow high control facilitated by high social support leads to diminished stressful experience, high efforts that are compensated by high rewards lead to diminished susceptibility to stressful experience. Demand control support model has control as a measure of countering the demands of a task and effort reward imbalance claims that control is an intrinsic personal motivation. Both models argue that an imbalance in their proposed concepts leads to exhaustion and emotional distress (Veldhoven et. al., 2005). Demand control support model is an interactional model while Effort Reward Imbalance Model is a transactional model. As an interactional model, demand control support model emphasizes the structural traits of an individual’s interactions with his or her environment. On the other hand, transactional models of stress focus on the factors underlying an individual’s response to a stressful situation. These underlying factors include locus of control, personality, appraisal, and coping. The Demand Control Support Model does not factor in the role of individual differences but effort reward imbalance emphasizes the importance of individual differences (Chmiel, 2009). This model emphasizes demands and control as the two psychosocial job characteristics that are important. Borrowing from this model, the job control of first responders has to do with the decision

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Comparing selections of Saint Augustines Confessions and Confuciuss Essay

Comparing selections of Saint Augustines Confessions and Confuciuss Analects - Essay Example al unit and Confucius has much to say in connection to the treatment of the family, and the relationship of one to another and also to the members of the household. Thus, it is evident that very few men can love and at the same time know the negative side of the one they love (Confucius et al 3). To omit respect is equal omitting affection. In addition, without love, union cannot coexist; ‘without respect then love would be ignored (Bk. xxiv, 9.). In short, the paradox of laxity indulgence is presented as the course of a man who is better in respect to his family. Confucius believed that a good relationship in the family was important in reforming the society and thus at the long run the government is reformed. One disciple of Confucius said; "few people are filial and dutiful toward parents and their elder brothers. In many instances, they oppose their superiors thus creating a civil order. A good man is concerned with the cause and when the root is firm, the way grows. Fraternal duty and filial piety are surely the root of humaneness (Confucius et al 4). Augustine during his youthful age, he was living with his parents. He further explains how his parents dealt with him since they wanted him to become famous. As a result, his life was sinful from point in time he was of tender age and became restless with unclean thoughts. At this age, he presents the ills of the society that made him develop idleness. He was convicted that if people can perform the roles in the family in a proper way, then they would be able to discharge their roles in the society (4:20, Analects). Confucius said that a filial piety involved respect for, obedience, and loyalty to ones parents. A filial man would not go against the will of the father especially in terms of behavioral characteristics and occupation even when the father is long gone. You observe the intention of a man when his father is still alive and observe his action when the father is dead. Both observations are

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Summary of the article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Summary of the article - Essay Example for existing depreciation methods as impairment would occur if they violate the requirement of depreciation charges while reflecting the use of the asset in revenue-generating process. The article then proposes an axiomatic system that is compatible with the recent accounting standards. This system shall also test the compatibility of the any depreciation method with the changed requirements for accounting. The axiomatic system proposed has three requirements. Firstly, the periodic depreciation charge has to be non-negative. Secondly, the depreciation charge is not greater than the cash flow for that period. And lastly, the periodic depreciation charge maintains the essential aspect of matching principle between depreciation and cash flow. The article then highlights how current depreciation methods violate the above axiomatic system. The focus of the article then shifts to proportional depreciation method which directly depends on the cash flow of the asset. Two requirements of consistency are then proposed, namely, Partition Consistency and Dynamic Consistency. The first requirement assures that there is consistency between depreciation charges throughout any sub-period division throughout an asset’s life. The second requirement demands that if there is no change in the economic fundamentals during the asset’s useful life, then the original computation of the depreciation charges will sustain. A detailed description of the axiomatic system is given along with its implications. The three axioms are formulated, their definitions are provided while their respective proofs are provided in the appendix. The proportional depreciation system is described and proof is provided about it sustaining the three axioms. The article then enters into the phase of defining partition consistency and dynamic consistency. They are linked to the axioms and a very solid relationship is established between these two consistencies and proportional depreciation method. The

Friday, November 15, 2019

Aquinas And Boethius Free Will And Divine Foreknowlegde Philosophy Essay

Aquinas And Boethius Free Will And Divine Foreknowlegde Philosophy Essay This philosophical inquiry is without doubt a major one owing to the very fact that it touches a very significant area of philosophy that has been addressed by a big number of great philosophers; the conception of free-will and divine foreknowledge as addressed by Boethius and St. Thomas of Aquinas. These two philosophers have contradicting views regarding the concepts under consideration and it is therefore important to make a clear understanding of them both but with an emphasis on Thomas who seems to give appealing conclusions compared to Boethius. The paper will be structured in a very clear and concise manner, with part one starting with the introduction to the two philosophers. Then afterwards, will be addressed the concept of free will as discussed by Thomas Aquinas. This emphasis again is not accidental but well calculated owing to the fact that the views of St. Thomas are by far better and reasonable compared to those of Boethius. Like any other superb philosopher, Aquinas pays strong attention to logic and this is going to be observed in the manner that he presents his work. He ensures that he does not end up in self-contradiction, or self-deception. SAINT THOMAS AQUINAS St. Thomas Aquinas was an Italian priest of the Catholic Church in the Dominican Order.He was born in Aquino c.1225, and was an immensely influential philosopher and theologian in the tradition of scholasticism, known as Doctor Angelicus (the Angelic Doctor) and Doctor Universalis (Universal Doctor).  [1]  He is frequently referred to as Thomas because Aquinas refers to his residence rather than his surname. He was the foremost classical supporter of natural theology, and the father of the Thomistic school of philosophy and theology. He considerably influenced Western thought, with much of modern philosophy being as a reaction against, or in agreement with his ideas, particularly in the areas of ethics, natural law and political theory. His works include the Summa Theologica and the Summa contra Gentiles. St. Thomas is one of the 33 Doctors of the Church, and the greatest theologian and philosopher of the church. Pope Benedict XV declared: The Church has declared Thomas doctrine to be her own.  [2]   Thomas joined the Dominican Order at the age of 13, an issue that did not please his family who had expected him to become a Benedictine monk.  [3]  Family members became desperate to dissuade Aquinas, who remained determined to join the Dominicans. At one point, two of his brothers hired a prostitute to seduce him, but he drove her away, wielding a burning stick. According to legend, that night two angels appeared to him as he slept and strengthened his determination to remain celibate.  [4]   Aquinas was sent to study at the University of Paris Faculty of Arts in 1245, where he most likely met Dominican scholar Albert Magnus  [5]  . In 1252, he returned to Paris to study for the masters degree in Theology.Aquinas was more a theologian than a philosopher, and his references regarding philosophers rather refer to pagan rather than Christians.  [6]   BOETHIUS Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius is his full names. He was born about 480 CE to an aristocratic family that was of Christian foundation. He studied under the influence of the Neo-Platonist Proclus and his disciples for thirteen years. Proclus died in 485, and then shortly his father died. Consequently Boethius lived under the care of Symmachus from whom Boethius married his daughter Rusticiana.  [7]   Boethius lifetime goal was to translate Aristotles complete works, as well as Platos dialogues, wherefore he considered that the two could be harmonized due to their agreements on major philosophical points. In 510 he became consul under the Ostrogoth Theodoric who was by then king of Italy. At 520 Boethius was appointed master of the offices, heading all the government and court services, and at 522 both his two sons too, became consuls. Boethiuss work conception of free-will and divine foreknowledge can be found in his work, The Consolation of Philosophy which is actually a work of literature that is written in a form of prosimetrical apocalyptic dialogueà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦and contains five Books, which are written in a combination of prose and verse.  [8]   Aquinas Epistemological view: Aquinas believed that for the knowledge of any truth whatsoever man needs divine help, that the intellect may be moved by God to its act.  [9]  However, he believed that human beings have the natural capacity to know many things without special divine revelation, even though such revelations occur from time to time, especially in regard to faith.  [10]   The Question of Free-will Does man have free-will? What is free-will -a power, an act, or a habit? If it is a power, is it appetitive or cognitive? If it is appetitive, is it the same power as the will, or distinct? Thomas argued that man possesses free-will for without itcounsels, exhortations, commands, prohibitions, rewards, and punishments would be in vain.  [11]  He logically proceeded to expound on this by first observing how some things acted devoid of judgment; a stone moving downwards, similarly those things too that dont have knowledge. Additionally, in Thomas view some agents act from judgment, but their judgments are not free, such as a brute animal. Thomas, while expounding on this assertion gives an example of a sheep, which upon seeing a wolf, judges that it is a thing to be avoided, an act that is from natural and not free judgment, since it makes this judgment from natural instincts and not from free judgment. Man on the other hand, acts from judgment, due to the fact that by his apprehensive commandhe judges that something should be avoided or sought.  [12]  Therefore, Thomas view is without doubt, correct when he continues to emphasize that man acts from free judgment and retains the power of being inclined to various things because this judgment, contrary to that of brute animal that originates from natural instincts, it results from a process involving comparison in the reason. However, can we say that mans free will is power? This is a question posed by Thomas in his discussions regarding free-will. In answering this he notes rightfully that even though free-will strictly speakingsignifies an act, commonlyThomas calls it free-will, that which is the principle of the act by which man judges freely.  [13]  It is arguably, in the light of Thomas, that in humans the principle of an act is both a habit and a power due to the fact that when we say that we know something, we do so by knowledge and by the intellectual power. Hence free-will has to bea power or a habit, or a power with a habit.  [14]  This affirmation is considered in two ways. First, if free-will is a habit, then it has to be a natural habit; this is because, for man it is natural to have a free-will. For things that come under free-will, there is no natural habit since we are inclined naturally to things that have natural habitsTherefore; it is not a habit in any way. Secondly, habits are defined as that by reason of which we are well or ill disposed with regard to actions and passions  [15]  ; since by temperance; à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦we are well-disposed as regards concupiscences, and by intemperance ill-disposed: and by knowledge we are well-disposed to the act of the intellect when we know the truth, and by the contrary ill-disposed. But the free-will is indifferent to good and evil choice: wherefore it is impossible for free-will to be a habit. Therefore it is a power.  [16]   Thomas, regarding free-will as an appetitive power, asserts that the appropriate act of free-will is choice. This is because of the fact that we can decide to take one thing and refuse the other. It is thenceimportant that we deliberate the nature of free-will, by analyzing the nature of choice. Regarding choice, there is a strong agreement between two things; one on cognitive power, and the other on the appetitive power.Concerning the cognitive power part, there is needed to have counsel, through which according to Thomaswe judge one thing to be preferred to another  [17]  . Concerning the appetitive power, Thomas asserts that it is required that the appetite should accept the judgment of counsel.  [18]  It is in this respect that Thomas counters the Aristotelian conception of choice; that it is not clear whether choice belongs in principle to the appetitive power or the cognitive one because according to him choice is either an appetitive intellect or an intellectual appeti te.  [19]  However Aristotle inclines to its being an intellectual appetite in the process of describing choice as a desire proceeding from counsel.  [20]  This follows from the reasoning that the means to an end is the proper object of choice. Additionally, then, choice is what Thomas refers to as the nature of the good; the useful: this follows from the premise that since good is considered to be the object of the appetite, then it is logical that principally choice is an act of the appetitive power; hence free-will is an appetitive power. Consequently, can we say that free-will is a power distinct from the will? It is rightly argued in the light of Thomas that intellectual apprehension takes into consideration both the intellect and reason, and with regard to intellectual appetitive, we will have free-will which is actually the power of choice as correctly explicated in Thomas Summa. This connection is correctly observed in both the objects and respectful acts. Thomas gives an illustration of what it means to understand when he continues to note that understanding implies the simple acceptation of something (whereby) we say that we understand first principles, which are known of them without any comparison.  [21]  However, regarding reasoning, as Thomas points out, means to come from one thing to the knowledge of another: wherefore, properly speaking, we reason about conclusions, which are known from the principles.  [22]   Divine Foreknowledge by Boethius and Thomas Aquinas The issue of the foreknowledge of God is a mystery that St. Thomas Aquinas, Augustine and Boethius all struggled with. Divine foreknowledge involves the idea that the will of God enunciated itself most expansively in divine foreordainment, whence the plan of salvation is an essentialportion. Consequently, Christ was, apparently, predestined. This, of course, means that God discerned that evil would come into the world and that Jesus had to redeem mankind. Nonetheless, while God knew that evil would come into the world, he also willed an end, and in this his action can be seen as perfect. To safeguard his own freedom, God caused events contingently, without necessity, implying that he had free causation. God, therefore, predestined contingently. In this way, we can understand that God was not the captive of his own action, but remained free.  [23]   Boethius Consolation, Freedom and Divine  Foreknowledge Regarding divine foreknowledge, initiallyproposes the problem of divine foreknowledge as anissue for further philosophical debate. In this case, hequestions on how God happens to have dependable foreknowledge concerning contingent future events as knowledge requires necessityIn reference to Boethius, if God necessarily knows that an individual will excel in school at some future time, then it seems that the individual in question cannot fail to excel, implying that he is devoid of free-will and that excelling is not contingent. However, it is outrageous to repudiate the freedom of the will in Boethiuss view, since this could signify the absence of vices and virtues.  [24]   This problem has been philosophically addressed in chapter VI which involves a distinction between simple and conditional necessity. First, in the case of simple necessity there is a connection between it and nature henceat this point it is a necessary truth meaning that man is a rational animal.  [25]  On the other hand, conditional necessity is not tied to the nature, but rather to some contingent state of affairs and on a particular moment. As an example, if for instance, I saw Johnstanding. Upon seeing him, it is conditionally necessary that he bestanding because he is standing at that time, but there is nothing in his nature that forces him to be standing. A moment later he can choose to seat. This conditional necessity is sufficient for me to have knowledge that John is standing. Thus my present knowledge and Johns contingent willing to stand are thus perfectly compatible. However, there arises a problem with define foreknowledge in the sense that it asserts a conditional necessity of both present and future state of affairs. Thus, for philosophyto resolve Gods infallible foreknowledge with future contingents, it proposes a widely significantexplanation of eternity. Accordingly eternity is the whole, simultaneous and perfect possession of boundless life, which becomes clearer by comparison with temporal things  [26]   Philosophy expounds on eternity by basing the conception of divine experience of time in divine simplicity.Under this understanding, it is correct to note that when it comes to Gods experience, there is no past, present and future of time;instead all temporal events are present concurrently to Gods simple knowledge. Thus, correct reasoning says that if you should wish to consider his foreknowledge, by which he discerns all things, you will more rightly judge it to be not foreknowledge as it were of the future but knowledge of a never-passing instant  [27]  . God can have infallible knowledge about what James will do in the future, because God, in his simple eternal knowledge, already sees James doing it. Thus, the infallibility of Gods knowledge is established on a conditional necessity, which preserves the contingency and freedom of James willing and choosing. Moreover, prayer and human morality remain necessary as acts of free human creatures. One can be punished for acting wrongly most likely because one had the freedom to do the alternative. Similarly, it is possible to petition God; this does not mea Gods mind about what he has already decreed to do in the future changes, but just because God does things simultaneously that is from his point of view with seeing our prayers in the present -from the human perspective. Thence, this also leaves open the possibility of an Augustinian free-will theodicy, since Gods knowledge of future evil choices does not imply that God causes the wicked to be wicked.  [28]   However, the Boethian solution contradicts the first premise of the rudimentary argument: (1) Yesterday God infallibly believed X. What Boethian solution denies is not that God believes infallibly, and not that God believes the content of proposition X, but that God believed Xyesterday. Boethiuscontended that God is not in time and that God has no temporal properties, so God does not have beliefs at a time. This argument unfortunately therefore unfortunatelynotes that God had beliefs yesterday, or has beliefs today, or will have beliefs tomorrow. God cannot be taken to have believes on certain moments, the way humans tend to do. And thus, the way Boethius describes Gods cognitive grasp of temporal reality, all temporal events are before the mind of God at once. To say at once or simultaneously is to use a temporal metaphor however on the contrary Boethius is clear that it illogical to think of the whole of temporal reality as being before Gods mind in a single temporal moment. But a more concise and logical argument comes from Aquinas who, though adopted the Boethian solution as one of his strategies out of theological fatalism, using some of the same metaphors as Boethius. As an example to this, we have metaphor of circle analogy, in which the way a timeless God is present to each and every instant is matched to the way in which the center of a circle is present to each and every point on its circumference. In contemporary philosophy probably the most well-known defenders of the idea that God is timeless are Eleonore Stump and Norman Kretzmann (1981), who apply it explicitly to the foreknowledge dilemma (1991). Most objections to the timelessness solution to the dilemma of foreknowledge and freedom focus on the idea of timelessness itself, arguing either that it does not make sense or that it is incompatible with other properties of God that are religiously more compelling, such as personhood. I have argued that the timelessness move does not avoid the problem of theological fatalism since an argument structurally parallel to the basic argument can be formulated for timeless knowledge. If God is not in time, the key issue would not be the necessity of the past, but the necessity of the timeless realm  [29]   CONCLUSION From the above analysis is very important to conclude with an affirmation of the philosophical concepts as advanced by Thomas. The Thomistic philosophy offers superior reasoning in terms of freedom and knowledge. The arrangement is logical and devoid of contradictions as it has been observed in other philosophers, Boethius being no exception. I therefore conclude this paper with an affirmation that men have free-will but this free-will doesnt dispute Gods omniscience because Gods perspective is not mans perspective, due to His Supremacy.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Death in the Woods, by Sherwood Anderson :: essays research papers

The story â€Å"Death in the Woods†, written by Sherwood Anderson, is a story told by a man who has told it one to many times. As a young boy in a small town he notices an older women named Grimes, who he will tell us the story about. She was the type of person that nobody noticed in town. She led a quite life and never really talked to anyone other then the butcher. The narrator then goes on to describe how she meets her husband Jack Grimes. He was a tough guy that she meets while working for an abusive German farmer. The narrator tells you a long story about how he helps her from getting way from the abusive German. They bonded after a few incidents and then got married. They had a few boys and started their own farm where just like before she fed the animals, just as she did for the German. Her husband tried to socialize with the town people but it did not work out. He then rebelled by stealing their horses. He even threatened to fight them after they would not make conversation with him. This maybe a good reason why one of his sons had been put in jail already, setting a real good example. Their family, the Grimes used to own a saw mill but, it fell through in the last couple of years so all of their money was gone which forced them to all to have to work hard. The young man narrating then tells us about his encounter with the elderly woman. One cold winter day she made her way to town to go the store. She went to butcher, ironically she and the butcher were social with each other and he gave her some extra food. On her way back through the woods she stopped for a minute to rest due the heavy bag. She feels asleep and did not wake up. She froze to death. Her dogs did find here and eat their food from her bag. This is very ironic because all she did was feed animals all her life. She did at the German’s farm, her farm/family and the dogs and now she is dead because of it. In story the young man describes how he arrived with the other men from town when they found her. He saw her frozen and dead.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Emma is described as being “handsome, clever and rich” in the first sentence of the novel but her character could be perceived in many ways

Emma is described as being â€Å"handsome, clever and rich† in the first sentence of the novel but her character could be perceived in many ways. Emma could be seen as being very kind, perfect, and acting like a lady of her time but she could also be viewed as a quite self-obsessed, stuck-up person who clings to social stAtus when it suits her, For example: She makes Harriet reject Mr Martin because Emma thinks she should aim for someone higher but is then upset when she likes Mr Knightley later on in the novel. I agree with the latter point of view because throughout the novel she never seems to see past herself and isn't concerned with other people's point of views. In the first chapter it says â€Å"The real evils of Emma's situation were the power of having rather too much her own way, and a disposition to think a little too well of herself. Which is true because she thinks her opinion is the only one that matters. Although, as this is a â€Å"coming-of-age† novel she does change throughout the course of the story and becomes a nicer person. Emma may not have been so likeable in Jane Austen's time because society was so different. Women were supposed to marry for money & status and were expected to obey the men. Emma is portrayed as being too independent for that time and more like women of today. Although she lives with her father he is dependent on her and she rules the household. The only voice of reason she hears is that of Mr Knightly. Now, women are independent and can choose who they want to marry as they are seen as social equals which they weren't at that time. Jane Austen could have seen herself as being like Emma, and, while she may have been a dislikeable character in those times she might also have been a character women looked up to because she was so independent. In the story, society would expect a lot of Emma. She would have to be charitable and kind. Women of her status were supposed to make a match with someone of similar social standing as marriage was a business. Emma's personality as well as her faults are shown through her relationships with other characters in the novel. Mrs Elton brings out her bad side and in some ways represents all the things that are bad about Emma. Jane Fairfax represents some of Emma's good traits and the things that Emma would like to be. Emma is quite jealous of her and recognises her talents when she says â€Å"She certainly is handsome, she is better than handsome!† Emma's good side is also revealed when she is with her father because she seems to care for him more than anything else, which is shown when Mr Knightley proposes to her and all she can think about is what'll happen to her dad if she moves. Emma tries hard to find Harriet a match that she would approve of. When Emma is with Harriet she is selfish and manipulative which the reader can see when, in chapter 40, she gives Harriet advice whilst saying that she wont interfere knowing that Harriet will be guided by Emma's opinions. This is probably due to the fact that Emma has so much time on her hands because she has so much money she doesn't have to work. Jane Austen chose to write as an omniscient narrator which means the reader gets to see Emma honestly but the story is still very much through Emma's point of view as you don't get to read the other characters' points of view. i.e. when Emma insults Miss Bates on Box Hill none of the other characters are seen to comment and only Emma's point of view is given. Some of the characters are too farcical and could be compared to fairytale characters in some ways for example: Mr Knightley is like a virtuous prince charming that always does the right thing and Jane Fairfax is like a perfect little princess. Jane Austen chooses a traditional happy ending for the novel because people would expect to have one at the time she was writing it but, today people want something different and it is up to the author how to end the novel. Overall, she begins the novel very stuck-up and snobbish believing that she is more important than everybody else but as she approaches her twenty1st birthday and the age at which she has to take responsibility for herself she begins to change.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Symbolism in Houses, Nature, and Culture essays

Symbolism in Houses, Nature, and Culture essays The setting and descriptions of Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange that Emily Bronte uses throughout her novel, Wuthering Heights, helps set the mood for describing Heathcliff and Cathy. The cold, muddy, and infertile moors separate the two households. Each house stands alone, in the midst of the dreary land, but the atmospheres of the two estates are quite different. This difference helps explain the personalities and bond of Cathy and Heathcliff. The Conflict between Nature and Culture are constantly playing against each other. Nature is represented by the Earnshaw family, and by Catherine and Heathcliff in particular. These characters are governed by their passions, and "wildness." Wuthering Heights comes to symbolize a similar wildness. On the other hand, Thrushcross Grange and the Linton family represent culture, refinement, gathering, and cultivation. Emily Bronte's fine usage of symbolism help one to understand the differences in nature, culture, and personality shown by comparing the Heights and the Grange, kept together by the moors. Wuthering Heights, which represents basically Hell, is always in a state of storminess. The Heights and its surroundings portray the coldness, darkness, and evil associated with Hell. This parallels Heathcliff. He symbolizes the cold, dark, and dismal house. The author also uses parallel personifications to depict specific parts of the house as analogues to Heathcliffs face and body. "He is a dark-skinned gypsy in aspect... He has an erect and handsome figure, and rather morose." (Bronte 3). Emily frequently made references to the dark windows such as the darkness of Heathcliff. Although he is hansom and study such as the house, he is also depressing and gloomy. The very definition of wuthering is to dry up, shrivel, or wilt as from decay The inhabitants, especially Heathcliff and Cathy, cause the decay and bring storminess to the house. Hea ...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Free Essays on The Place Between Human And Fey In A Midsummer Night’s Dream

of Robin Goodfellow – who is the â€Å"merry wanderer of the night† (l. 43) – â€Å"fairy† is associated with darkness. The fairies â€Å"run / By the triple Hecate’s team / From the presence of the sun† (ll. 369-71), and furthermore, they evade the sunlight in order to â€Å"[Follow] darkness like a dream.† Night and dream both symbolize both the subconscious or unconscious mind, which suggests that the fairies operate by an alternative logic, or a â€Å"dream logic† that is masked by the Athenian logic of human society and the daytime hours. This interpretation is similar to current occult ideas about the nature of the Fey. Since poets and occultists have always taken the fairy realm most seriously, it is fitting that we look to both verse and occult sources. Brian Froud, a fairy portraitist, defines fairy as â€Å"all things absurd, nonlinear, nonsensical, irrational, and madly poetic† (Froud, Intro); all of these traits are facets of the human, logical interpretation of the unconscious realm. Within the context of the Faery tradition of Witchcraft... Free Essays on The Place Between Human And Fey In A Midsummer Night’s Dream Free Essays on The Place Between Human And Fey In A Midsummer Night’s Dream The Place Between Human and Fey in A Midsummer Night’s Dream In Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream, the relationship between fairy and human propels the plot, prompting questions concerning the nature of â€Å"fairy,† and what â€Å"fairy† symbolizes in the human realm. The character of Puck serves as a spokesman for the fairy realm, and an ambassador to the human domain. Puck is a useful focus point for answering questions about the interaction between these two levels of consciousness. The interaction between fairy and human is facilitated by the themes of love and nighttime. This poses questions about the significance and interplay of these concepts. How does love act as a connection between human and fairy? Why does nighttime bring these worlds together? What do nighttime, and love, have to do with the essence of what is â€Å"fairy?† If we look to the words of Robin Goodfellow – who is the â€Å"merry wanderer of the night† (l. 43) – â€Å"fairy† is associated with darkness. The fairies â€Å"run / By the triple Hecate’s team / From the presence of the sun† (ll. 369-71), and furthermore, they evade the sunlight in order to â€Å"[Follow] darkness like a dream.† Night and dream both symbolize both the subconscious or unconscious mind, which suggests that the fairies operate by an alternative logic, or a â€Å"dream logic† that is masked by the Athenian logic of human society and the daytime hours. This interpretation is similar to current occult ideas about the nature of the Fey. Since poets and occultists have always taken the fairy realm most seriously, it is fitting that we look to both verse and occult sources. Brian Froud, a fairy portraitist, defines fairy as â€Å"all things absurd, nonlinear, nonsensical, irrational, and madly poetic† (Froud, Intro); all of these traits are facets of the human, logical interpretation of the unconscious realm. Within the context of the Faery tradition of Witchcraft...

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Interview with a person Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Interview with a person - Research Paper Example Likewise, this particular research study has performed a level of library and internet research as well as relied upon the expert testimony from an individual who has resided within the country of question for nearly 18 years. The nation in question for such a research is that of the Eastern European nation of Ukraine. For purposes of the research and interview, the main determinants that have been discussed and analyzed relate to the following: geographic location, culture, customs, basic human needs (types of employment), types of buildings, religions, types of food, television, newspapers, and other forms of media, cultural and gender distinctions, technological development, education system, and clothing. The geographic location that Ukraine represents is on the very periphery between Eastern Europe and Eurasia. As such, it occupies a very fertile region that spans between the Carpathian Mountains in the West to the border with Russia in the far east. The nation is likewise borde red by Russia, Belarus, and Poland to the north and the west, Slovenia, Romania, and Moldova to the south west and the Black Sea to the immediate south. The geographic location that Ukraine comprises with few natural demarcations has made it a tempting and much coveted possession of many kingdoms and empires through past history. A brief review of the history of the region denotes that Turks, Tatars, the Golden Horde, the Russian Empire, Poland, and Lithuania have all occupied various portions of Ukrainian land within the past several hundred years. However, when delving into the issues of culture and customs as well as some of the more nuanced methods of analysis that this particular paper will engender it was necessary to interview an individual that has lived within Ukraine for nearly 18 years prior to coming to the United States. Natasha Kholostova, a neighbor of this author, agreed to be interviewed with regards to some of the unique aspects that help to set Ukraine apart from the remainder of Europe, the United States, and the rest of the world. The main differentials regarding culture and customs that Natasha noted were with relation to the Orthodox history and culture that Ukraine has so firmly established. She was able to relate this back to the point in time when Prince Vladimir the Great was responsible for converting the nation to Eastern Orthodoxy. This action in and of itself integrated many of the former pagan beliefs that had predated Christianity with the Christian doctrines that came from Constantinople. This unnatural marriage between two belief systems spawned holidays such as Maslinitsja and Ivana Kupala where Christian attributes were given to pagan celebrations commemorating the changing of the seasons or the celebration of the life giving energy of water. Natasha also demonstrated that one cannot hope to understand the customs or culture of Ukraine without gaining a firm and complete grasp on the means by which the existence of the Sovi et Union had a profound and lasting effect on the way in which the culture and society grew over the past century. Moreover, the Second World War was fought over Ukrainian territory with the Nazi forces advancing across the entirety of the country in the beginning stages of the war and eventually being pushed back towards the later part of the war. This also left a profound and lasting impact on the population due to the fact that the full horror of war had been experienced on its territory and

Friday, November 1, 2019

Impact of social media on marketing strategies Dissertation

Impact of social media on marketing strategies - Dissertation Example Thank you very much Daisytan. Contents TABLE OF FIGURE 7 Abstract 8 1.INTRODUCTION 9 1.1.Overview 9 1.2.Background Of The Study 10 1.3.Significance of the study 12 1.4.Research Questions 12 1.5.Aims and Objectives of the Research 13 1.6.Structure of thesis 13 2.Literature Review: 15 2.1.Introduction 15 2.2.The 21st century Paradigm: 15 2.3.Ecommerce and Supply chain 16 2.4.Information Technology: 19 2.5.Unifying the competitive strategy with supply chain strategy: 20 2.6.E-businesses: 21 2.7.Ecommerce and developing countries 23 2.8.Consumer behavior and Ecommerce in Saudi Arabia 26 2.9. Summary 28 3. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY: 29 3.1. Introduction: 29 3.2. Research Overview: 29 3.3. Research Approach 31 3.4. Research Strategy: 32 3.5. Research Philosophy: 32 3.6. Research Method: 33 3.7. Data Collection and Analysis: 34 3.8. Sampling Methods: 34 3.9. Reliability of Research: 35 3.10. Validity of Research: 35 3.11. Summary: 35 4. ANALYSIS 37 4.1. Introduction 37 4.2. Analysis Of Questionn aire 37 Question 37 4.3. Focus group: 55 5. Conclusions: 62 5.1. Summary Of The Findings 62 5.2. Recommendations for the researcher: 66 5.3. Recommendations to Saudi Post: 68 5.4. Recommendation for further Research 70 5.5. Limitations of the research study 70 6. References 72 7. Appendix 80 TABLE OF FIGURE Figure 4. 1: Access to technology 33 Figure 4. 2: Awareness of shopping online 34 Figure 4. 3: Ratio of people how have ever purchased online 35 Figure 4. 4: Preference of shopping online 36 Figure 4. 5: Physically touching of product is important or not 37 Figure 4. 6: Products can be found easily on the internet or not 39 Figure 4. 7: Factors influencing online shopping 42 Figure 4. 8: Is shopping online safe 46 Figure 4. 10: Is it more convenient to shop online 47 Abstract This research study analyses the trend of online shopping in Saudi Arabia. The research study has been aimed at the introduction of e-mall, an online store by Saudi Arabia and this research study analysed th e challenges that the management of Saudi Post would face as they are introducing this online store. The research study has been conducted using the primary as well as secondary data. To conduct this research, online surveys have been conducted and 200 respondents participated in the survey. After the survey, the interested candidates were invited for the focus group session. This research analyses the how successful e-mall can be in Saudi Arabia and the research shows that Saudi Post faces several challenges in order to build trust and convince people of Saudi Arabia to shop online. CHAPTER #1 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. Overview E-mall is an online store where customers can buy a diverse range of goods online. People can purchase different kinds of products and services from e-mall throughout Saudi Arabia. With the advancement of technology, the trend of purchasing goods and services has been changed and now the buyers are seeking more convenient and suitable ways to buy goods and servic es. The revolution in E-industry has also brought innovations in the mind of buyers and sellers