Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Advertising public relation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Advertising public relation - Essay Example It is needless to say that the modern business world is extremely competitive. Therefore the companies look to find the x-factors to stand apart from the rest of the crowd so that the company becomes more interesting and appealing for the media and the public. A favorable reputation can help the company. On the other hand negative publicity can also have negative impact and damage the reputation of the company badly. In simple ways PR can be defined as a way to build up long term relationship with the public or customers. Although PR is an element of promotional mix and there are certain differences between PR and other elements, it is important to understand that positive can only be achieved by using each of the elements of the promotional mix effectively. The study looks to focus on the application of PR to aid the performance of a newly launched product in the market. The product selected is a ready-to-drink green tea. The concerns over the contents of the soft drinks have increa sed as people are becoming more health conscious. Also recent controversies related to the hygienic factors and product has not helped the reputation of the soft drinks. Although the product to be discussed cannot be exactly categorized as hardcore soft drinks, still the product is likely to serve purpose as the soft drinks. The study includes market situation analysis, probable PR strategy, different modes of communication to be used and also a way to successfully evaluate the PR strategy. (Chattopadhyay, 2009. P.370). Fun fruit Pvt. Ltd. is a six years old company. The company produces soft drinks made from fruits such as mango and pineapple. The company looks to achieve concentric product diversification through packaging and pricing strategy. Here it is to be mentioned that the company operates in UK market only. However, the company has launched ready-to-drink green tea called ‘Fizz’. The company looks to brings

Monday, October 28, 2019

Psychology of Color Essay Example for Free

Psychology of Color Essay The brain receives signals from three different color channels: red, blue, and green. When the brain receives a mix of these signals, we perceive colors that are mixtures of these three primary colors through a process called color addition (Think Quest â€Å"Color Psychology†). All colored visible light can be expressed as either mixtures or consistencies of red, blue, or green, which by perception between the eyes and the brain, produces the vast spectrum of color that exists to humans and other organisms alike. With the ability to alter our moods and bodily functions, color has more of an impact on us than we may realize. Each color produces different effects on humans, bringing about numerous physiological and psychological changes as unique as the color itself. Its presence everywhere in our daily lives makes these effects inevitable, no matter how unaware we are of them. Colors not only alter the state of our mind and body but can also reveal a lot about ourselves, including our personality, experiences, and ability to evoke memories. Colors can be categorized into two groups, warm colors and cool colors. Warm colors consist of any shade of red, orange, yellow, and pink. They can evoke emotions ranging from feelings of warmth and comfort to feelings of anger and hostility. Cool colors consist of greens, blues, and purples. Although they generally create a calming, soothing effect, they can also bring feelings of sadness or indifference (Kendra Cherry â€Å"Color Psychology: How Colors Impact Moods, Feelings, and Behaviors†). Although each of the colors within these two groups produces altercations somewhat similar to those of its group members, they create their own objective, one-of-a-kind effects on the human body and mind. Red is one of the three primary colors, as well as one of three different color channels the brain receives signals from. It represents blood, heat, passion, love, intensity, danger, and is often associated with Christmas and Valentine’s Day (Nicholson, Mary, Dr. â€Å"Colors and Moods†). Being a very stimulating color, whenever the sight of it is picked up and signaled to the brain, red activates the adrenal glands. Physiologically, red can increase heart rate, respiration, appetite, and blood pressure. It can also raise stamina and improve the functioning of the central nervous system (Kate Smith, â€Å"Color: Meaning, Symbolism, and Psychology†). The psychological effects of red include feelings of anger, vitality, and a sense of protection from fears and anxieties. Red can also increase enthusiasm, irritability, and sensuality. With its ability to dispel negative thoughts, it encourages confidence, action, and ambition (Think Quest). In a study by professor of psychology Andrew Elliot and researcher Daniela Niesta, it has been demonstrated that the color red makes men â€Å"feel more amorous towards women† (Science Daily â€Å"Red Enhances Men’s Attraction to Women, Psychological Study Reveals†). Even before the experiment, research provided both empirical and biological support to Elliot and Niesta’s claim. Empirically, red has been associated with romantic love and passions across cultures and the millennia. Biologically, they found faith in humans’ deep evolutionary roots to primates. Research has shown that â€Å"nonhuman male primates are particularly attracted to females displaying red. Female baboons and chimpanzees, for example, redden conspicuously when nearing ovulation, sending a clear sexual signal designed to attract males† (Science Daily). The study looked at men’s responses to photographs of women under various color presentations. In one experiment, subjects were shown a photograph of a woman framed by a border of red and either white, gray, green or blue. The men were then asked questions about how attractive they found the women to be. Another experiment consisted of two photos of the same woman in which the woman’s shirt was digitally colored either red or blue. Along with questions concerning attraction, they were also asked about their intentions about dating, such as â€Å"Imagine that you are going on a date with this person and have $100 in your wallet. How much money would you be willing to spend on your date? (Science Daily). The results of the experiment showed that under all conditions, the women wearing or framed by red were rated significantly higher in attractiveness and sexual desirability than the exact same woman shown with any other color. Those whose favorite color is red are typically outgoing, impulsive, aggressive, and restless in personality. Red is a color chosen by those who carry an open nature and a zest for life (Annie B. Bond, â€Å"Your Favorite Color: What it Says About You†). Orange is a color that commands much attention. It represents warmth, enthusiasm, exuberance, liveliness and is also associated with Thanksgiving and Halloween (Nicholson). Physiologically, orange can stimulate the sexual organs, benefit the digestive system, and strengthen the immune system. It incites activity, socialization, and due to its hate-it-or-love-it quality, it also sparks controversy (Smith). Psychologically, orange relieves feelings of self-pity, lack of self worth, and unwillingness to forgive. It can also open emotions, increase energy, and even serve as a perceptual antidepressant (Think Quest). Due to its association with arrogance, danger, and over-emotion, a survey proves that orange has been labeled as â€Å"America’s Least Favorite Color† (Laurie Pawlik-Kienlen â€Å"The Subconscious Psychology of Color†). People who prefer the color orange are often flamboyant, fun-loving, and enjoy living a social life. They can be somewhat histrionic and fickle, but are generally good-natured, agreeable, and popular (Bond). Yellow is an uplifting color that is most associated with optimism, intellectuality, enlightenment, happiness, and signs of a bright future. Yellow can increase alertness and decisiveness, encourage communication, and stimulate the muscles and lymph system. Yellow can also activate the brain, spark clear, creative and intelligent thoughts, encourage memory, and stimulate mental processes (Smith). In a psychological sense, yellow brings feelings of happiness and increases perceptiveness, self-confidence, and optimism. It aids in discernment, good judgment, organization, and understanding (Think Quest). However, a dull yellow can bring feelings of fear. Those who favor yellow generally tend to be adventurous, shrewd, and carry a strong sense of humor. They can often shun responsibility due to their freedom-loving personalities, but are usually clear and precise thinkers who have a good outlook on life (Bond). As one of the three color channels, green occupies more space in the spectrum visible to the human eye than most colors. Green represents nature, health, abundance, wealth, good luck, growth, peace, and clarity. Green can help acquire physical equilibrium and relaxation, and has been shown to be beneficial to the heart. It also relaxes muscles and induces slower, deeper breathing (Smith). Psychologically, green has a tranquilizing and balancing effect. It brings about comfort, laziness, relaxation, and harmony. It can also alleviate nervousness and anxiety, and offer a sense of renewal and self-control (Think Quest). Surveys show that Green is America’s second favorite color (Pawlik-Kienlen). It usually a color liked by those who are gentle, sincere, and reputable. However, their tendency to be too modest and patient can lead to their exploitation. They are generally community-minded people who prefer peace at any price (Bond). Blue is the last of the three color channels. It is closely associated with spirituality, melancholy, cleanliness, wisdom, sadness, trustworthiness, and commitment (Nicholson). Being at far ends of the color spectrum, the color blue has almost entirely opposite effects of the color red. Blue decreases appetite, breathing, heart rate and blood pressure. It also regulates sleep patterns, keeps bone marrow healthy, and stimulates the pituitary and thyroid glands and causes the production of calming chemicals. Blue brings feelings of calmness and relaxation. It can also eliminate insomnia, aid intuition, and increase mental clarity and control (Smith). However, an excessive amount of blue can be depressing and saddening (ThinkQuest). Surveys prove that the color blue, being the least gender specific, is labeled as â€Å"America’s Favorite Color† (Pawlik-Kienlen). People whose favorite color is blue are typically preserving, sensitive, and self-controlled. Even though they can be worriers who are often cautious, they are faithful and have steady character (Bond). Purple is the majestic color of mystery, creativity, unrest, and royalty (Nicholson). Being the mixture of red and blue, the effects of the color purple contain elements from those of both red and blue. Physiologically, purple can alleviate skin conditions; suppress hunger, balance metabolism, and calm the mind and nerves. It can also be perceived as an antiseptic and a narcotic (Smith). Psychologically, purple increases creativity, intuition, imagination, and sensitivity to beauty, high ideals, spirituality, and compassion. It can balance the mind, cleanse emotional disturbances, and combat states of shock and fear (Think Quest). Purple is the favorite color of adolescent girls. Those who prefer purple over all the other colors tend to be artistic, individualistic, fastidious, and witty. They can become aloof and sarcastic when misunderstood, but are generally unconventional, tolerant, and dignified (Bond). Pink is associated with youth, romance, free spirit, lightheartedness, love (Nicholson). Being a lighter tint of red, many aspects of red are evident in the color pink. Pink can stimulate energy and help muscles relax. Like red, it also increases blood pressure, respiration, heartbeat, and pulse rate. Pink offers feelings of calmness, protection, and a sense of nurture. It encourages action, reduces erratic behavior, and sparks a desire to be carefree (Smith). Embodying the gentler qualities of red, pink represents unaggressive sensuality and unselfish love. People whose favorite color is pink are often charming, maternal, and gentle. However, they tend to desire a sheltered life and require affection, â€Å"perhaps wanting to appear delicate and fragile† (Bond). Brown is an organic color that represents reliability, approachability, the natural world, and connections with the Earth (Nicholson). It provides a sense of orderliness, security, stability, and wholesomeness. It also conveys withholding emotion and feelings of retreating from the world (Smith). Those who like the color brown are generally steady, conservative, conscientious, and dependable. They may be tactless and inflexible, but they are responsible and kind (Bond). Black, white, and gray are not considered colors, but are shades. Although they elicit no physiological effects, they still bring about psychological changes. Black represents authority, power, emptiness, sophistication, silence, and death (Nicholson). It evokes strong emotions and sense of potential and possibility. Black produces feelings of passiveness, emptiness, and being inconspicuous (Smith). Those who like black want to give a mysterious appearance, which indicates a suggestion of hidden depths and inner longings (Bond). White represents purity, neutrality, and safety (Nicholson). It aids mental clarity, encourages the elimination of clutter, purifies thoughts and actions, enables fresh beginnings, and offers a feeling of freedom and openness (Smith). However, an overabundance of white can bring feelings of separation, coldness, and isolation. People who like white indicate a desire for perfection, simplicity, and a recapture of lost youth and freshness (Bond). Gray is the shade in-between black and white. It is associated with dignity, conservativeness, control, independence, and authority (Nicholson). Gray increases independence, self-reliance, evasion, non-commitment, and lack of involvement (Smith). It is unsettling and creates a sense of high expectations, separation, and loneliness. Those who like gray are hard-working and often search for composure and a steady life with few ups and downs (Bond). The effects and associations of a color vary from person to person subjectively. Changes in the general effect of a color depend on some one’s personality, experiences, culture, and memories. Through a subjective perspective of color, a negative association with a color could cause undesirable effects and stir distaste towards that color. For example, if you receive a heartbreaking letter sealed in a green envelope, green may now be your least favorite color due to a new subconscious association with heartbreak and sorrow. In Elliot and Niesta’s study on the relationship between attraction and the color red, they also concluded that â€Å"Although red enhances positive feelings in this study, earlier research suggests the meaning of a color depends on its context. For example, Elliot and others have shown that seeing red in competition situations, such as written examinations or sporting events, leads to worse performance† (Science Daily). In a study conducted by UC Berkley, researchers found that people’s color preferences were linked to their experiences. â€Å"To conduct their studies, the researchers had four different groups perform four different tasks rating their color preferences, recording the objects they associated with each color, rating how they felt about each object or matching an object to a color† (Rachel Banning-Lover â€Å"Study Links Color Preference to Experiences†). They found that color preference was highly shaped by experience. For example, one subject stated that their favorite color was pink, and then later admitted to having fond memories in her sister’s pink bedroom, which would produce a positive association with the color pink. The researchers also discovered a link between school spirit and color preferences. Those who attended Berkley generally preferred their own school colors, blue and gold, over red, Stanford’s school color. There has also been cross-cultural evidence that creates varying effects of color. â€Å"Cross-cultural differences can occur in two ways different cultures may have different objects that influence individuals perceptions of certain colors, or two cultures may have the same object but may associate different feelings with that object† (Banning-Lover). For example, somebody from France may feel energized around navy blue—although blues are typically calming—due to the widespread use of the color in their country. Personality is a big, if not the biggest, impact on somebody’s preference and perception of a color. In general, extroverts or those with energetic personalities are drawn to richer, warmer colors, while introverts or those with relaxed personalities prefer cooler, more subtle colors (Bond). Colors that are found in certain areas of our everyday lives have a reason for being there. Understanding the objective effects of colors, many places have used certain colors to subconsciously manipulate the public into feeling or acting a desirable way, most of the time without them even realizing it. Red is commonly used in restaurants, both fast food and sit-downs, due to its ability to increase the appetites of its customers and therefore increasing their likelihood of buying more food. Orange is the color of most traffic cones and construction signs. Used to grab drivers’ attention, orange increases their awareness to prevent accidents. Green lights are often used in forensics due to its ability to incite a confession from criminals more than any other color of light. With its strong connection with the Earth, green is also used to promote environmentalism. Blue is commonly used in hospitals to calm patients. Research also shows that people are more productive in blue rooms, for example, weightlifters are able to lift heavier weights in blue gyms (David Johnson â€Å"Color Psychology†). Pink is proven to reduce erratic behavior, and is therefore used in many prison holding cells (Think Quest). Due to its ability to tranquilize, sports teams sometimes paint the locker room of the opposing team pinks so their opponents will lose energy. White symbolizes neutrality and is used for truce flags. It is also worn by doctors and nurses to imply sterility (Johnson). The roots of studying the effects of color can be traced back to ancient cultures, such as the Chinese and Egyptians. They practiced â€Å"chromotherapy, or using colors to heal. † For example, â€Å"blue was believed to soothe illness and treat pain,† while â€Å"yellow was thought to stimulate the body† (Cherry). Just like color psychology received much skepticism in ancient times; it still receives much skepticism today. No matter how unaware we are of the physiological and psychological effects of color, there is no doubt that color has a huge impact on our lives, playing a role in moods, decisions, sensations, and much more.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Dulce Et Decorum Est - Critical Response Essay -- essays research pape

A poem which I have recently read is: â€Å"Dulce Et Decorum Est† by Wilfred Owen. The main point Wilfred Owen tries to convey in this poem is the sheer horror of war. Owen uses many techniques to show his feelings, some of which I’ll be exploring. Wilfred Owen is a tired soldier on the front line during World War I. In the first stanza of Dulce Et Decorum Est he describes the men and the condition they are in and through his language shows that the soldiers deplore the conditions. Owen then moves on to tell us how even in their weak human state the soldiers march on, until the enemy fire gas shells at them. This sudden situation causes the soldiers to hurriedly put their gas masks on, but one soldier did not put it on in time. Owen tells us the condition the soldier is in, and how, even in the time to come he could not forget the images that it left him with. In the last stanza he tells the readers that if we had seen what he had seen then we would never encourage the next generation to fight in a war. Owen uses imagery constantly to convey the conditions and feelings experienced during this war. Firstly I will be exploring Metaphor as it is used so much in this poem. The first metaphor which I will examine is: â€Å"Haunting Flares† on line 3 of the first stanza. This quote has so many connotations, my first opinion on this was that the flares which the enemy are firing to light up the battle field are said to be representing the souls of the soldiers fallen comrades. This could also be said to represent the power the enemy has on their own mortality as the bright flares would light up the battle-field exposing everything to their view, this indicates that the enemy always seem to have power upon the soldiers, almost godly. The second metaphor which I will explore is: â€Å"An ecstasy of fumbling† on line one of the second stanza. This metaphor is significant as it describes the quick manner in which the soldiers will have been trying to put their masks on. The soldiers would have been trying to put their masks on in a hurry but due to their physical condition their minds would have been wanting them to go faster than their body would have been allowing them, this is why there is said to be a: â€Å"Fumbling†. The term: â€Å"Ecstasy† would normally suggest a time of extreme emotion, normally joy, however in this situation it is used as a term of irony as this is a completely b... ...ration, onomatopoeia, rhyme etc. One of the sound types I will be looking at is Full or perfect rhyme. This sound type is significant as in Dulce Et Decorum Est at the end of each sentence rhymes with the one before the last. This is significant as when reading this poem you notice this rhyming scheme and take more time to stop and ponder over the significance of the language it is based around and what connotations that word has: â€Å"Bent double, like old beggars under sacks† and â€Å"Till on the haunting flares we turned our backs†. This is one of the most effective rhyming schemes in the poem. Due to every second line rhyming this makes your remember what the poet was trying to put across in the previous lines as all the different lines have a way of tying in with one another. Through reading this poem several times I decided that the message from the poem is that war is full of horror and there is little or no glory. Methods which I found most effective were Full rhyme and metaphor. Overall Wilfred Owen shows that there is no triumph in war, he does this by using the dying soldier as an example. His main point is that the old saying: â€Å"Dulce Et Decorum Est Pro Patria Mori† is a lie.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Expansion Opportunities Abroad Essay

With the proposed expansion of CPI in other countries like Brazil and the some European states, we need to consider three things: 1) the market share of giant corporations in the same business, 2) the company’s capital size, and 3) the price elasticity of the products to be sold (in those countries). While all these factors are of salience in the company’s operations, it is assumed that the relative complexity of the market is an avenue of uncertainty. Other factors like political stability may influence considerably the company’s operations as much as the presence of giant corporations in the business. The presence of giant corporations in the same business can be staved-off by setting commercial offices in places that are without the presence of these corporations. For example, if giant corporations are well concentrated in a particular city, the company should establish subsidiaries in semi-urban areas. This would stave off competition as well as maximizing the limited consumer base (semi-urban areas have a considerable consumer size). The company’s capital size should also be considered. Capital provides a firm the working materials to produce goods and services to the public. Capital and labor make up the so-called â€Å"inputs of production† of a firm. Therefore, if the company is going to expand overseas, it must first negotiate on the volume of capital that is needed for expansion (and of course, the associated risk). In this case, 5 to 20 % of the company’s capital will be used for expansion. This is a fair evaluation of risks involved in the venture as well as the proposed distribution of capital in â€Å"host† countries. The real problem though lies in determining the price elasticities of products to be sold in the market. Although the company fared well by concentrating its sale to regional places, this would not be the same when it goes international. Price elasticities generally become stable and somewhat inflexible once prices also become inflexible. The implication: those companies with large capital bases will tend to survive; those with small capital bases will either merge to survive or exit in the market. Even if the company set-up subsidiaries in semi-urban places to prevent competition, there is no assurance of success. Below we shall discuss nature and definition of price elasticities. There are two primary types of elasticities: price elasticity of demand and price elasticity of supply. Here we are concerned only with the former since the company’s expansion abroad depends on the sensitivity of consumer demand to price changes. Price elasticity is defined as â€Å"the measure of responsiveness of a factor or variable to another factor or variable† (Buchholz, 1996). Price elasticity of demand is defined as â€Å"the measure of responsiveness of quantity demanded to a change in price, all other things held constant (ceteris paribus)† (Price Elasticity of Demand, 2007). General relations of price elasticity of demand: †¢ If PED > 1 then Demand is Price Elastic †¢ If PED = 1 then Demand is Unit Elastic (equal response) †¢ If PED < 1 then Demand is Price Inelastic In the case of products manufactured by CPI, specifically Super Clean, it generally experiences the third relation. If Super Clean raises the prices of its product by 5%, percentage change in quantity demanded would be less. The implication: by setting subsidiaries in places where there is the minimal presence of giant corporations, Super Clean would be able to control minimally the prices of its product due perhaps to the relative inflexibility of consumer demand. This would maximize profit. Even if giant corporations enter, revenues would tend to be stable because consumer demand is stable. This would generally reduce the overall risk of the company.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Social Inequalities

To find out as to what extent social class not only shapes attitudes, values and beliefs, but also has a significant impact on life chances, I will begin by defining social stratification, social class and life chances. Sociological theories will also be used to help understand society. Education and employment impact on society will also be discussed using journal articles obtained as a guide. To understand social stratification, it is important to make a distinction between social inequality, which refers to the existence of socially created inequalities whereas social stratification is a particular form of inequality. It refers to the presence of distinct social groups which are ranked one above the other in terms of factors such as prestige and wealth. Using the functionalist theory, we can understand stratification better as this theory views society as a system that is set of interconnected parts which together form a whole. Talcott Parsons (1902- 79). Davis and moore (1945), claimed that all societies have some form of social stratification. George Peter Murdock (1949) maintained that the family exists in every known human society. All these people seem to suggest that individual families and social stratification meet needs that are common to all societies. I agree with the functionalism theory as it is small groups such as families that make up society as a whole. Each family trying to survive and do better than others in the process bettering the society. For a society to survive, functional prerequisites of society are required as Marion J. Levy (1952) argued that a society would cease to exist if its members were absorbed into another society or involved in a war of all against all. Marion J. Levy ’ s argument can be challenged. With the shortage of housing, families getting absorbed into another society would be replaced by families searching for accommodation. On the other hand, ethnomethodologists follow Alfred Schutz (1932) in believing there is no real social order as other sociological perspectives assume. Social life appears orderly to members of society only because members actively engage in making scence of social life. According to Zimmerman and Wieder (1971), society go about the task of seeing, describing and explaining order in the world in which they live. Social class – Savage et al. described social class as social collectivises rooted in particular types of exploitative relationships. These collectivises are groups of people who share levels of income, lifestyles, cultures and political orientations. An example of this could be a group of footballers, would share the same level of income, with similar lifestyles will act or be seen or perceived differently to golf players who are equally rich but may have a different lifestyle to footballers. This can be linked to Marxist theory. Karl Marx (1818- 83) regarded people as both the producers and the products of society. People are regarded as producers as they make society and themselves by their own actions. People are regarded as products of society in that they are shaped by the social relationships and systems of thought they create. To support Karl Marx ’ s comment on people being a product of society, a real life example could be given where a student joins university for the first time. University can be regarded as a society with different individuals, all trying to achieve the same thing. It is up to the new student to choose the group he joins and this will affect the student ’ s life at university if in a bad group or good group thereby making the student a product of that society. Life chances- Gerth and mills, (1954) stated that a person ’ s position in a stratification system may have important effects on many areas of life. It may enhance or reduce life chances that is their chances of obtaining those things that are desirable and avoiding those things defined as undesirable in their society. (Max Weber). To help determine whether in fact social class not only shapes attitudes, values and beliefs, it is important to categorize social class. Social class refers to the persistent social inequalities. Two distinct types of social inequality have been identified by researchers working with two different sociological theories. One theory is derived from the work of Karl Marx the other from the writings by Max Weber, which are somewhat critical of Marx ’ s work. Marxian approach suggests that social class was defined by ownership of the means of production bourgeoisie who exploit the workers who do not own the means of production (proletariat). Source: the Canadian encyclopedia. Marxian approach can be challenged as it does not refer to occupation or levels of income. Marxian approach regarded everyone that did not own land as proletariat. This would mean that senior managerial administrative and manual working class would be regarded as being in the same class (proletetariat). There is a vast difference between the income and benefits of senior managers compared to manual workers therefore it wouldn ’ t be right to put the two in the same class. Ethnic and gender factors are mportant in differentiating people and in relating them to the general division of labour and inequalities of opportunity and conditions which are associated with it. Another way of categorizing class is by referring to upper class, consisting of property owners (bourgeoisie), middle class consisting of senior managers, middle managers and supervisory and service worker class and finally the working class or lower class consisting of manual work ers. A variety of studies have shown that non-manual workers enjoy advantages over manual workers in terms of their life chances. The office for national statistics (ONS), has compiled a range of statistical evidence on inequalities between classes in England and Wales. (Focus on social inequalities 2004). In 2002, 77% of year 11 children with parents in higher professional occupations obtained five or more GCSE ’ S at grade C or above, compared to 32% of those with parents in routine occupations. In my opinion, the above statistics suggest that parents can also act as role models to their children. An example is that if a parent is CEO of an organization, he/she will encourage their children to do well at school and reach the same level or above the parent position. Just for being CEO, this parent has set a target level for his/her children which is quit hard to archive but with the parent ’ s income, the child can go to private school and increase life chances. On the other hand, it would be hard for a parent in manual labour to encourage their child to reach CEO position. This child may see this as an impossible task and will settle for the same factory job or aspire to be the factory supervior. This child ’ s parent income could not be enough to better life chance. Social class does really shape attitudes, values and beliefs and this can be supported by the common American saying â€Å" The American dream † . The American dream can be explained as a belief and the freedom that allows all citizens and residents to achieve their life chances in the USA. Today, in America it generally refers to the idea that one ’ s prosperity depends upon one ’ s own abilities and hard work. ( wikipedia encyclopedia). This is a message passed on to all people in America but in my opinion, people from the lower class are likely to believe in the American dream as some form of comfort or assurance that things could get better in future. The journal article below is by Andrew Billen. The Times. London uk. Aug 20, 2007. Pg 19(Full article can be found on Appendix 1) Page 2 In last night ’ s season opener, the fascistically titled the will to win[Robert Winston] fretted at age 7 their fates may already be sealed. Certainly, by the programme ’ s end it looked if the Jesuits knew what they were talking about. As little William sprinted ahead of the pack to the finishing line of his private school ’ s egg and spoon race, his ambitious mother was convinced he was already the person he would become. â€Å" I ’ m definitely going to win, † he had confidently predicted half an hour earlier. â€Å" And I ’ m going to come second, † chipped in his friend, the sort of friend William would need. Down at the other end of Britain, where life chances are more ragged, was [James], whose ambition in life had hardened up: he wanted to be a robber. His answer to a dumbed-down IQ test question, â€Å" what do you do if you find a wallet on the floor? † was â€Å" take it home † . Despite this, James ’ s IQ was found to be just a touch below average. If only he had been clever enough to choose different parents. His father had scampered when he was an infant, leaving his mother Carol, struggling. This article points out that a child born in an upper class family will have better life chances as they will be able to attend very good schools or private schools thereby bettering their chances of succeeding. Page 2 Aspects of life such as income play an important part in achieving life chances as pointed out by the article below taken from Allister Heath. Sunday Business London (UK) Jun 26. 2005 pg 1. The writer noted that the UK is plagued with low social mobility; and that this is partly due to the strong and increasing relationship between family income and educational attainment. The proportion of children from the poorest fifth of families born during the early 1980s obtaining a degree has increased from 6% to 9%, while the graduation rate for the richest fifth has risen from 20% to 47%. Full article can be found on Appendix 2) Social class still exists at present as most of what we do on a daily basis is determined by how we perceive or wish to perceive ourselves. Eg, the cars we choose to buy, friends we choose etc. Jonathan Moore, UK BBC Publication, 18/12/2007 I fully agree that social class does in fact have a significant impact on life chances. The functionalist theory did des cribe society as a system that is set of interconnected parts which together form a whole. This brings out the fact that society is divided into different classes and that inequalities do exist. William, in the journal article was positive he would win because of his up brining from his parents not to accept second best. His parents, through their jobs have set a target for William which will affect his life chances. REFERENCES Martin Holborn and Mike Haralambos, sociology themes and perspectives, seventh edition, 2007. Tony J. Watson, sociology ,work and industry, third edition, 1995. Mike Noon and Paul Blyton, the realities of work, second edition, 2002. Keith Grint, the sociology of work, third edition, 2005. The times. London(uk): Aug 20, 2007 pg 19. Sunday Business. London(uk): Jun 26,2005 pg 1.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Sacco Vanzetti essays

Sacco Vanzetti essays Post World War I nativism was expected and to some extent justified, but was taken to an extreme in the Sacco and Vanzetti case. At this time people were terrified of foreigners and disregarded the fact that any American citizen came to America from either them immigrating or a relative who did. People feared immigrants immensely and viewed many of them as communists. The Sacco and Vanzetti case is a prime example of how people react in prejudiced times. Several factors contributed to Nativism. Propaganda helped contribute to the popular belief of nativism. The Red Scare contributed to Nativism as well. Anything out of the normal way of life or so to speak going against the grain was labeled as communist and struck panic into the country. American people believed what they were told without even considering other options. An example of this is the Judge in the Sacco and Vanzetti case. He was already was prejudiced against them before he heard what they had to say. This lead to the extension of their sentence and unjustifiable deaths. Nativism has many consequences. Many immigrants were taken to Ellis Island, which served as almost a prison for them because people were scared that they were communists and were here to destroy America. The dangers of nativism are really important because it turned neighbors against neighbors and spread a general distrust among everyone. The country was getting divided because of race, religion and beliefs. Terrible things happened because of peoples ignorance and they were too blind to see that nativism threw everyones perspective on the world off. If there werent prejudiced against foreigners then Sacco and Vanzetti may have had a fair trial and could have proved their innocence. Nativism was a terrible thing, but it is only natural to fear the unknown. ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Quotes From The Brothers Karamazov

Quotes From The Brothers Karamazov The Brothers Karamazov is one of the greatest novels of all time. The book was the final novel Fyodor Dostoyevsky wrote before his death. This important Russian novel is often praised for its complexity. Quotations From the Novel Imagine that you are creating a fabric of human destiny with the object of making men happy in the end... but that it was essential and inevitable to torture to death only one tiny creature ... And to found that edifice on its unavenged tears: would you consent to be the architect on those conditions? Tell me, and tell me the truth!Im a Karamazov... when I fall into the abyss, I go straight into it, head down and heels up, and Im even pleased that Im falling in such a humiliating position, and for me, I find it beautiful. And so in that very shame, I suddenly begin a hymn. Let me be cursed, let me be base and vile, but let me also kiss the hem of that garment in which my God is clothed; let me be following the devil at the same time, but still I am also your son, Lord, and I love you, and I feel a joy without which the world cannot stand and be.Is there in the whole world a being who would have the right to forgive and could forgive? I dont want harmony. From love for humanity, I don t want it. I would rather be left with the unavenged suffering. I would rather remain with my unavenged suffering and unsatisfied indignation, even if I were wrong. Besides, too high a price is asked for harmony; its beyond our means to pay so much to enter on it. And so I hasten to give back my entrance ticket, and if I am an honest man I am bound to give it back as soon as possible. And that I am doing. Its not God that I dont accept, Alyosha, only I most respectfully return him the ticket. Listen: if everyone must suffer, in order to buy eternal harmony with their suffering, pray tell me what have children got to do with it? It’s quite incomprehensible why they should have to suffer, and why they should buy harmony with their suffering.The stupider one is, the closer one is to reality. The stupider one is, the clearer one is. Stupidity is brief and artless, while intelligence wriggles and hides itself. Intelligence is a knave, but stupidity is honest and straightforward.Everything is permitted...All is lawful.There is only one salvation for you: take yourself up, and make yourself responsible for all the sins of men. For indeed it is so, my friend, and the moment you make yourself sincerely responsible for everything and everyone, you will see at once that it is really so, that it is you who are guilty on behalf of all and for all. Whereas by shifting your own laziness and powerlessness onto others, you will end by sharing in Satans pride and murmuring against G od. Viper will eat viper, and it would serve them both right!What is hell? I maintain that it is the suffering of being unable to love.People talk sometimes of a bestial cruelty, but thats a great injustice and insult to the beasts; a beast can never be so cruel as a man, so artistically cruel. The tiger only tears and gnaws, thats all he can do. He would never think of nailing people by the ears, even if he were able to do it.I think the devil doesnt exist, but man has created him, he has created him in his own image and likeness.If you were to destroy in mankind the belief in immortality, not only love but every living force maintaining the life of the world would at once be dried up. Moreover, nothing then would be immoral; everything would be lawful, even cannibalism.Beauty is a terrible and awful thing! It is terrible because it has not been fathomed, for God sets us nothing but riddles. Here the boundaries meet and all contradictions exist side by side.Hesitation, anxiety, the stru ggle between belief and disbelief- all that is sometimes such a torment for a conscientious man... that it’s better to hang oneself. In most cases, people, even the most vicious, are much more naive and simple-minded than we assume them to be. And this is true of ourselves too.Very different is the monastic way. Obedience, fasting, and prayer are laughed at, yet they alone constitute the way to real and true freedom: I cut away my superfluous and unnecessary needs, through obedience I humble and chasten my vain and proud will, and thereby, with God’s help, attain freedom of spirit, and with that, spiritual rejoicing!Even those who have renounced Christianity and attack it, in their inmost being still follow the Christian ideal, for hitherto neither their subtlety nor the ardor of their hearts has been able to create a higher ideal of man and of virtue than the ideal given by Christ.I may be wicked, but still I gave an onion.A man who lies to himself, and believes his own lies, becomes unable to recognize truth, either in himself or in anyone else, and he ends up losing respect for himself and for others. Wh en he has no respect for anyone, he can no longer love, and in him, he yields to his impulses, indulges in the lowest form of pleasure, and behaves in the end like an animal in satisfying his vices. And it all comes from lyingto others and to yourself. Men reject their prophets and slay them, but they love their martyrs and honor those they have slain.So long as man remains free he strives for nothing so incessantly and so painfully as to find someone to worship.If they drive God from the earth, we shall shelter Him underground.Even there, in the mines, underground, I may find a human heart in another convict and murderer by my side, and I may make friends with him, for even there one may live and love and suffer. One may thaw and revive a frozen heart in that convict, one may wait upon him for years, and at last bring up from the dark depths a lofty soul, a feeling, suffering creature; one may bring forth an angel, create a hero! There are so many of them, hundreds of them, and we are to blame for them.There are souls that in their narrowness blame the whole world. But overwhelm such a soul with mercy, give it love, and it will curse what it has done, for there are so many germs of good in it. The soul will expand and behold how m erciful God is, and how beautiful and just people are. He will be horrified, he will be overwhelmed with repentance and the countless debt he must henceforth repay. Psychology lures even most serious people into romancing, and quite unconsciously.It is not as a child that I believe and confess Jesus Christ. My hosanna is born of a furnace of doubt.To be in love is not the same as loving. You can be in love with a woman and still hate her.Its the great mystery of human life that old grief passes gradually into quiet tender joy.The more I detest men individually the more ardent becomes my love for humanity.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Marybeth Tinning

Marybeth Tinning Between 1971 and 1985, all nine of Marybeth and Joe Tinnings children died. While doctors suspected the children had a newly-discovered death gene, friends and family suspected something more sinister. Marybeth was eventually convicted of second-degree murder in the death of only one of her children. Learn about her life, the lives- and deaths- of her children, and her court cases. Early Life Marybeth Roe was born on September 11, 1942, in Duanesburg, New York. She was an average student at Duanesburg High School and after graduation, she worked at various jobs until she settled in as a nursing assistant at Ellis Hospital in Schenectady, New York. In 1963, at the age of 21, Marybeth met Joe Tinning on a blind date. Joe worked for General Electric as did Marybeths father. He had a quiet disposition and was easy going. The two dated for several months and married in 1965. Marybeth Tinning once said that there were two things she wanted from life- to be married to someone who cared for her and to have children. By 1967 she had reached both goals. The Tinnings first child, Barbara Ann, was born on May 31, 1967. Their second child, Joseph, was born on January 10, 1970. In October 1971, Marybeth was pregnant with their third child, when her father died of a sudden heart attack. This became the first of a series of tragic events for the Tinning family. Suspicious Deaths The Tinnings third child, Jennifer, was born with an infection and died soon after her birth. Within nine weeks, the Tinnings other two children followed. Marybeth had always been odd, but after the death of her first three children, she became withdrawn and suffered severe mood swings. The Tinnings decided to move to a new house hoping that the change would do them good. After the Tinnings fourth and fifth children each died before they were a year old, some doctors suspected that the Tinning children were afflicted with a new disease. However, friends and family suspected that something else was going on. They talked among themselves about how the children seemed healthy and active before they died. They were beginning to ask questions. If it was genetic, why would the Tinnings keep having children? When seeing Marybeth pregnant, they would ask each other, how long this one would last? Family members also noticed how Marybeth would get upset if she felt she wasnt receiving enough attention at the childrens funerals and other family events. In 1974, Joe Tinning was admitted to the hospital because of a near-fatal dose of barbiturate poisoning. Later both he and Marybeth admitted that during this time there was a lot of upheaval in their marriage and that she put the pills, which she had obtained from a friend with an epileptic child, into Joes grape juice. Joe thought their marriage was strong enough to survive the incident and the couple stayed together despite what happened. He was later quoted as saying, You have to believe the wife. In August 1978, the couple decided they wanted to begin the adoption process for a baby boy named Michael who had been living with them as ​a  foster child. Around the same time, Marybeth became pregnant again. Two other biological children of the Tinnings died and Michaels death followed. It was always assumed that a genetic flaw or the death gene was responsible for the death of the Tinnings children, but Michael was adopted. This shed a whole different light on what had been happening with the Tinning children over the years. This time doctors and social workers warned the police that they should be very attentive to Marybeth Tinning. People commented on Marybeths behavior after their ninth child, Tami Lynnes, funeral. She held a brunch at her house for friends and family. Her neighbor noticed that her usual dark demeanor was gone and she seemed sociable as she engaged in the usual chatter that goes on during a get-together. For some, the death of Tami Lynne became the final straw. The hotline at the police station lit up with neighbors, family members and doctors and nurses calling in to report their suspicions about the deaths of the Tinning children. Forensic Pathology Investigation Schenectady Police Chief, Richard E. Nelson contacted forensic pathologist Dr. Michael Baden to ask him some questions about SIDS. One of the first questions he asked was if it was possible that nine children in one family could die of natural causes. Baden told him that it wasnt possible and asked him to send him the case files. He also explained to the chief that children that babies who die from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), also known as crib death, do not turn blue. They look like normal children after they die. If a baby was blue, he suspected it was caused by homicidal asphyxia. Someone had smothered the children. Dr. Baden later wrote a book in which he attributed the deaths of the Tinning children as a result of Marybeth suffering from acute Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome. Dr. Baden described Marybeth Tinning as a sympathy junky. He said, She liked the attention of people feeling sorry for her from the loss of her children. Confession and Denial On February 4, 1986, Schenectady investigators brought Marybeth in for questioning. For several hours she told investigators different events that had occurred with the deaths of her children. She denied having anything to do with their deaths. Hours into the interrogation she broke down and admitted she killed three of the children. I did not do anything to Jennifer, Joseph, Barbara, Michael, Mary Frances, Jonathan, she confessed, Just these three, Timothy, Nathan and Tami. I smothered them each with a pillow because Im not a good mother. Im not a good mother because of the other children. Joe Tinning was brought to the station and he encouraged Marybeth to be honest. In tears, she admitted to Joe what she had admitted to the police. The interrogators then asked Marybeth to go through each of the childrens murders and explain what happened. A 36-page statement was prepared and at the bottom, ​Marybeth ​wrote a brief statement about which of the children she killed (Timothy, Nathan, and Tami) and denied doing anything to the other children. She signed and dated the confession. According to what she said in the statement, she killed Tami Lynne because she would not stop crying. She was arrested and charged with the second-degree murder of Tami Lynne. The investigators could not find enough evidence to charge her with murdering the other children. At the preliminary hearings, ​Marybeth said the police had threatened to dig up the bodies of her children and rip them limb from limb during the interrogation. She said that the 36-page statement was a false confession, just a story that the police were telling and she was just repeating it. Despite her efforts to block her confession, it was decided that the entire 36-page statement would be permitted as evidence at her trial. Trial and Sentencing The murder trial of Marybeth Tinning began in Schenectady County Court on June  22, 1987. A lot of the trial centered on the cause of Tami Lynnes death. The defense had several physicians testify that the Tinning children suffered from a genetic defect which was a new syndrome, a new disease. The prosecution also had their physicians lined up. SIDS expert, Dr. Marie Valdez-Dapena, testified that suffocation rather than disease is what killed Tami Lynne. Marybeth Tinning did not testify during the trial. After 29 hours of deliberation, ​the jury had reached a decision. Marybeth Tinning, 44, was found guilty of second-degree murder of Tami Lynne Tinning. Joe Tinning later told the New York Times that he felt that the jury did their job, but he just had a different opinion on it. During sentencing, Marybeth read a statement in which she said she was sorry that Tami Lynne was dead and that she thought about her every day, but that she had no part in her death. She also said she would never stop trying to prove her innocence. The Lord above and I know I am innocent. One day the whole world will know that I am innocent and maybe then I can have my life back once again or what is left of it. She was sentenced to 20 years to life and was sent to Bedford Hills Prison for Women in New York. Incarceration and Parole Hearings Marybeth Tinning has been up for parole three times since her incarceration. March 2007 To the surprise of many, State Police Investigator, William Barnes, spoke on Marybeths behalf, asking for her release. Barnes was the lead investigator who interrogated Tinning when she confessed to killing three of her nine children.When asked about her crime, Tinning told the parole board, I have to be honest, and the only thing that I can tell you is that I know that my daughter is dead. I live with it every day, she continued, I have no recollection and I cant believe that I harmed her. I cant say any more than that.The Parole Commissioners denied parole, citing that she showed little insight into her crime and displayed little remorse. March 2009 In January 2009, Tinning went before the parole board for the second time. This time Tinning indicated that she remembered more than she did during her first parole hearing.She stated that she was going through bad times when she killed her daughter. The parole board again denied her parole, stating that her remorse was superficial at best. March 2011 Mary Beth was more forthcoming during her last parole hearing. She admitted to smothering Tami Lynne with a pillow but continued to insist that her other children died of SIDS.Asked to describe what insight she had about her actions, she answered, When I look back I see a very damaged and just a messed up person... Sometimes I try not to look in the mirror and when I do, I just, there is no words that I can express now. I feel none. Im just, just none.She also said she has tried to become a better person and ask for help and help others.Mary Beth was denied parole in 2011 and will become eligible again in 2013. Joe Tinning has continued to stand by Mary Beth and visits her regularly at the Bedford Hills Prison for Women in New York, although Marybeth commented during her last parole hearing that the visits were becoming more difficult. Jennifer: Third Child, First to Die Jennifer Tinning was born on December 26, 1971. She was kept hospitalized because of a severe infection and she died eight days later. According to the autopsy report, the cause of death was acute meningitis. Some who attended Jennifers funeral remembered that it seemed more like a social event than a funeral. Any remorse Marybeth was experiencing seemed to dissolve as she became the central focus of her sympathizing friends and family. In Dr. Michael Badens book, Confessions of a Medical Examiner, one of the cases that he profiles is that of Marybeth Tinning. He comments in the book about Jennifer, the one child that most everyone involved in the case kept saying Marybeth did not hurt. She was born with a severe infection and died in the hospital eight days later. Dr. Michael Baden added a different viewpoint on Jennifers death: Jennifer looks to be the victim of a coat hanger. Tinning had been trying to hasten her birth and only succeeded in introducing meningitis. The police theorized that she wanted to deliver the baby on Christmas Day, like Jesus. She thought her father, who had died while she was pregnant, would have been pleased. Joseph: Second Child, Second to Die On January 20, 1972, just 17 days after Jennifer died, Marybeth rushed into the Ellis Hospital emergency room in Schenectady with Joseph, who she said had experienced some sort of seizure. He was quickly revived, checked out and then sent home. Hours later Marybeth returned with Joe, but this time he could not ​be  saved. Tinning told the doctors that she put Joseph down for a nap and when she later checked on him she found him tangled up in the sheets and his skin was blue. There was no autopsy performed, but his death was ruled as​ a  cardio-respiratory arrest. Barbara: First Child, Third to Die Six weeks later, on March 2, 1972, Marybeth again rushed into the same emergency room with 4 1/2-year-old Barbara who was suffering from convulsions. The doctors treated her and advised Tinning that she should stay overnight, but Marybeth refused to leave her and took her home. Within hours Tinning was back at the hospital, but this time Barbara was unconscious and later died at the hospital. The cause of death was brain edema, commonly referred to as swelling of the brain. Some of the doctors suspected that she had Reyes Syndrome, but it was never proven. The police were contacted regarding Barbaras death, but after speaking with the doctors at the hospital the matter was dropped. Timothy: Fourth Child, Fourth to Die On Thanksgiving Day, November 21, 1973, Timothy was born. On December 10, just 3-weeks old, Marybeth found him dead in his crib. The doctors could not find anything wrong with Timothy and blamed his death on SIDS. SIDS was first recognized as a disease in 1969. In the 1970s, there were still many more questions than answers surrounding this mysterious disease. Nathan: Fifth Child, Fifth to Die The Tinnings next child, Nathan, was born on Easter Sunday, March 30, 1975. But like the other Tinning children, his life was cut short. On September 2, 1975, Marybeth rushed him to St. Clares Hospital. She said she was driving with him in the front seat of the car and she noticed he wasnt breathing. The doctors could not find any reason that Nathan was dead and they attributed it to acute pulmonary edema. Mary Francis: Seventh Child, Sixth to Die On October 29, 1978, the couple had a baby girl they named Mary Francis. It wasnt long before Mary Francis would be rushed through hospital emergency doors. The first time was in January 1979 after she had experienced seizures. The doctors treated her and she was sent home. A month later Marybeth again rushed Mary Francis to St. Clares emergency room, but this time she would not be going home. She died shortly after she arrived at the hospital. Another death attributed to SIDS. Jonathan: Eighth Child, Seventh to Die On November 19, 1979, the Tinnings had another baby, Jonathan. By March Marybeth was back at St. Clares hospital with an unconscious Jonathan. This time the doctors at St. Clares sent him to Boston Hospital where he could be treated by specialists. They could not find any medical reason why Jonathan became unconscious and he was returned to his parents. On March 24, 1980, just three days of being home, Marybeth returned to St. Claires with Jonathan. The doctors couldnt help him this time. He was already dead. ​The cause of death was listed as a  cardiopulmonary arrest. Michael: Sixth Child, Eighth to Die The Tinnings had one child left. They were still in the process of adopting Michael who was 2 1/2 years old and seemed healthy and happy. But not for long. On March 2, 1981, Marybeth carried Michael into the pediatricians office. When the doctor went to examine the child it was too late. Michael was dead. An autopsy showed he had pneumonia, but not severe enough to kill him. The nurses at St. Clares talked among themselves, questioning why Marybeth, who lived right across the street from the hospital, did not bring Michael to the hospital like she had so many other times when she had sick children. Instead, she waited until the doctors office was opened even though he showed signs of being sick earlier in the day. It did not make sense. The doctors attributed Michaels death to acute pneumonia, and the Tinnings were not held responsible for his death. However, Marybeths paranoia was increasing. She was uncomfortable with what she thought people were saying and the Tinnings decided to move again. Tami Lynne: Ninth Child, Ninth to Die Marybeth became pregnant and on August 22, 1985, Tami Lynne was born. The doctors carefully monitored Tami Lynne for four months and what they saw was a normal, healthy child. But by December 20th Tami Lynne was dead. The cause of death was listed as SIDS.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Eugene onegin Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Eugene onegin - Essay Example A dandy, deprived strict moral values and norms, he goes on the booze. Through this character, Pushkin depicts the gap between expected, traditional, usual things and reality people try to escape. He shows that perception of the world was limited by traditions and values imposed by their society. â€Å"Tatyana leaves Onegin kneeling, / looks at him with a steady gaze† (Pushkin). This remark shows that Tatyana is deeply hurt by Onegin who ruins her life and Olga’s happiness. The surface of her story is limpidly clear and beguilingly placid, but Pushkin’s use of it is to enforce by close logic an impossible and often very shocking proposition driven with distinct and startling imagery. Onegin deserves his fate because his desire to possess love of Tatiana is nothing more than dissatisfaction of the past that resulted in losses and hopelessness. On the other hand, I sympathize with this character because love becomes a vein sacrifice that is painful and sorrowful causing terrible sufferings and emotional burden for people. Quite early Onegin explores the meaning and significance of money and social status in life which brings him no good: â€Å"Onegin, my good friend, was littered / and bred upon the Nevas brink’ (Pushkin). On the other hand, Pushkin’s contribution to the pessimism which characterizes so much of the important writing of the ninetieth century was to probe the inner recesses of human behavior to see by what instincts people are governed. Onegin proposes a view of mans essential nature: greedy and rakish. In practice it is possible and desirable to create new law and values, because new environment forces people to change their personal priorities and morals. Social ideology and way of life typical for many young people of his age is the main cause of his suffering and fate. â€Å"Onegin swiftl y came to know / his tale of youthful love, narrated / with deep emotion through and through, / to us, though,

Friday, October 18, 2019

Business submission Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Business submission - Essay Example ch activities include; shifting manufacturing techniques or method, adopting new, better input materials, re-utilizing materials on site, and adoption of new product changes as well. Note that this has no exclusion to other firms under the same industry (Leipziger 2010). Precautionary approach to environmental challenges on the other hand involves organized use of risk assessment through identification of hazardous features or characteristics, management, as well as risk communication. This is based on the degree of certainty as shown by scientific evaluation techniques which must be conducted prior. Under this principle, the following activities by the organization in question (Microsoft) and its competitors have been witnessed. Provision of better information to the clients, communicating possible risk to the customers, the surroundings, or even the public and obtaining prior permission before certain commodities, are thought to be potentially harmful (Akhtarkhavari 2010). My position is to encourage these organizations to continue with such practices since they are essential in the compliance with the two principles of Global Compact. Despite the fact that the above business practices aim at compliance with the two principles I mentioned earlier, they also come with little side effects which we must agree to take charge of. To begin with, there are positive lessons learnt from the activities of Microsoft as it aims to comply with the two principles under the Global Compact. These include; the implementation of environmental friendly technologies that help in reduction on the use of raw materials, which in turn result into increased efficiency. Secondly, innovations pertaining to technology create a new whole world of more superior business opportunities which in turn helps the business to remain or win competitive advantage over others in the same industry. Furthermore, such technologies that use input materials more efficiently and even cleanly may be applied

Gallery review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4

Gallery review - Essay Example They bring about a sense of sexuality and romance. This exhibit is different from the others in the sense that it is catchy and controversial at the same time. Different people might interpret the pictures differently, but what really matters is the fact that; the pictures are an excellent piece of artwork (Barrett, 2003). Various aspects of the pictures are of interest to me, and call for further research. Students who viewed pictures in gallery two had different interpretations, which prompted a deeper insight of their meaning. Eye movement through the pictures was swift. I skimmed through the pictures to try and get an exclusive interpretation of their meaning. The picture’s visual attraction was of much interest than trying to understand what the artist had accomplished. The arrangement of the pictures below illustrates that eye movement was triggered by visual impression. After skimming through the pictures, I had a slight idea of what the artist was trying to communicate. My attention was drawn by the nudity of the last image. My eye movement around this image was in a circular motion. I scanned through this image to acquire some knowledge on why the artist thought of posting it (Barrett, 2000). The colours in the pictures enhanced their interpretation. A sexual aura and a sense of romance could not have been portrayed without the bright colours. The bright colours were an indication of a seamless compatibility between the pictures. These colours create an intimacy and energy that remained present in the images. The images from this gallery have a hidden meaning. They all involve a woman, which tries to bring out the idea of her lifestyle. The seamless documentary-style images try to bring about a sense of addiction and sex. The images might also tend to expose the preoccupations and interest of the artist and his subjects. Observing the pictures triggers the brain to teeter between realism and expanded ideas of the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Case Scenario - Mr and Mrs Green Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Case Scenario - Mr and Mrs Green - Essay Example And, the Bailee accepts clothing to return it after they have dry cleaned the same to the Bailor. The Professional Bailee, Spouses Green, has the obligation to return the clothing. If the clothing is lost or damaged there is a rebuttable presumption that the Bailee was negligent. The Spouses must show that they exercised ordinary or reasonable care that a professional dry cleaning shop would do in the same circumstances. If they fail to do so, they will be liable for ordinary negligence and must reimburse the Bailor for the amount of the property. c) Purchase of a business does not mean purchase of the land or building where it is situated. To obtain title to the land and building the Spouses Green may make an offer to purchase it from the Owner thereof. The Spouses Green will encounter two types of real property: the immovable; and, the movable that has been attached to an immovable (Mallor, et al. p584). The first type are real property, by their very nature of being immovables; unlike the 2nd type which are by their nature movables considered by law as real property for being attached as a fixture by virtue of: 1. Attachment – If the personal property is firmly attached to the real property that it cannot be removed without damaging the property. The dry cleaning machines, gas tanks, and generators firmly fixed to the building wall and floor with big screws and metal clamps are fixtures by virtue of attachment. But, in the interest of encouraging the growth of businesses, they are reclassified as Trade Fixtures exempt from this rule. Trade fixtures are those necessary to carry on the business of the entrepreneur. 2. Adaptation – the degree to which the item’s use is necessary or beneficial to the use of the real property. Door knobs changed upon occupancy for security are necessary to the use of the real property

Video Clip with Written Assignmen Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Video Clip with Written Assignmen - Essay Example Though the changes have not contributed much in changing the public figure of nursing, nurses have gained sovereignty, accountability in addition to increasing their duties in the health care. Contemporary nursing on the other hand is exclusive as it includes not just knowledge from a specialised body, but also making use of composite level of technology, vast actions and attained skills (Auerbach et al., 2007). This era faces nursing scarcity and therefore in order to meet the growing demand, nurses are required to continue with their contemporary roles and responsibilities. Incentives for maintenance ought to be developed in order to support these aging and experienced nurses as well as postponing their retirement. According to the Bureau of Labour Statistics the clinical health care industry is currently made up of over 2 million strong nurses. Nurses are of different types with a broad capacity of responsibility and their profession is obtained differently. The first part will analyse the traditional roles of RNs in Australia and Internationally as well as identifying the factors leading to extensive scope of their roles and responsibilities. The second part will discuss the expanded roles and responsibilities of RNs drawn from related literature. The results of these changes to the clinical care will also be discussed. Most of these responsibilities go beyond the legal boundaries with the problems that come with compromising the safe care patients. Lorenzo et al. (2007) describes that this kind of situation may lead to a state of confusion, anxiety and conflict experienced by the registered nurses. The traditional role of RNs included accessing, planning, evaluating and implementing nursing care of the injured and the sick patients. Nurses have considerably improved on their scope of duties by offering education services as well as clinical training in contrast to that of licensed practical nurses (American Nurses Association, 2006). The first

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Case Scenario - Mr and Mrs Green Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Case Scenario - Mr and Mrs Green - Essay Example And, the Bailee accepts clothing to return it after they have dry cleaned the same to the Bailor. The Professional Bailee, Spouses Green, has the obligation to return the clothing. If the clothing is lost or damaged there is a rebuttable presumption that the Bailee was negligent. The Spouses must show that they exercised ordinary or reasonable care that a professional dry cleaning shop would do in the same circumstances. If they fail to do so, they will be liable for ordinary negligence and must reimburse the Bailor for the amount of the property. c) Purchase of a business does not mean purchase of the land or building where it is situated. To obtain title to the land and building the Spouses Green may make an offer to purchase it from the Owner thereof. The Spouses Green will encounter two types of real property: the immovable; and, the movable that has been attached to an immovable (Mallor, et al. p584). The first type are real property, by their very nature of being immovables; unlike the 2nd type which are by their nature movables considered by law as real property for being attached as a fixture by virtue of: 1. Attachment – If the personal property is firmly attached to the real property that it cannot be removed without damaging the property. The dry cleaning machines, gas tanks, and generators firmly fixed to the building wall and floor with big screws and metal clamps are fixtures by virtue of attachment. But, in the interest of encouraging the growth of businesses, they are reclassified as Trade Fixtures exempt from this rule. Trade fixtures are those necessary to carry on the business of the entrepreneur. 2. Adaptation – the degree to which the item’s use is necessary or beneficial to the use of the real property. Door knobs changed upon occupancy for security are necessary to the use of the real property

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

A commentary on the potentials of social media applications Essay

A commentary on the potentials of social media applications - Essay Example 11 Supporting of experimentation and take up 12 Creation of synergies: 13 Bibliography 19 Introduction The previous five years have resulted to a growing excitement within the community of education about web2.0 technologies. The technology is an umbrella term used to refer to numerous internet applications including wikis, social networking, virtual societies, folksonomies and blogging among others. Even though these applications differ in function and form, all of them share a characteristic that is common. That is, the supporting of interaction that is internet based within and between groups. Web 2.0 technology marks a different isolation from the 1900s internet applications and also the early 2000s internet applications, allowing forms of exchange that are â€Å"interactive† rather than broadcast† whereby information sharing is â€Å"many-to-many† as compared to one to many. Web 2.0 applications focus around sharing and appropriation of content between commun ity users whose outcome is multiple dimensions of user-driven communication, content recreation and creation and collaboration. Commentators are now talking of a write/read web where individuals can generate easily their own content and also utilize content generated by others. For instance, Wikipedia is unique from the online Encyclopaedia Britanica. This is because, Wikipedia is a document that is open thus being updated, created, refereed and edited by its readers. This has made it derive authority and accuracy from the ever ongoing consensus and discussions rather than depending on a single expert word. Given the significance of collaboration, creation and communication to using of the above named technologies, educationalist have been on the forefront pointing out the web 2.0 potential for enhancing and supporting learning. The education agendas have focused on social software emerging practices. Social software is categorized broadly as software that enables interaction betwee n groups. The most common among individuals are discussion forums that are internet based, dating sites and social networking. From the studies carried out by the Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS), it was concluded that, new opportunities for modernising and innovating training and education institutions and for purposes of preparing the 21st century learners, could only be achieved through the uptake of social media applications outside settings of formal education (Alan-Mutka 2009, 2010). The increased rates of internet use for mail sending and receiving are a good indicator of the conceived significance of the internet for knowledge and communication. In addition to that, the internet is crucial for information exchange. With the innovation and introduction of multiple applications in social media, interactive and active internet usage has been encouraged and the trend is further developing. The social media applications provide its users with communities and online networks for knowledge exchange and multi-directional communication (Fry 2004, p.305). Moreover, this application allows individuals to share and publish digital content like videos, photos and music. In the current world, the educational use of social software is not well incorporated. As such multiple actions are needed across practice, policy and developer communities prior to it becoming effective and widespread.

An Important Macro-Environmental Force in Vietnam Essay Example for Free

An Important Macro-Environmental Force in Vietnam Essay QUESTION 1: An important macro-environmental force on companies is the social/cultural environment, particularly in international markets. Imagine that you are to offer a seminar on the social/cultural environment of Vietnam to foreign businessmen and marketers. Discuss at least three elements of the cultural environment that foreign businessmen should be aware of when doing business in Vietnam. Use specific examples referring to real-life businesses, brands, marketing activities, etc. to support your discussion. Social/cultural forces are the most difficult uncontrollable variables to predict. It is important for marketers to understand and appreciate the cultural values of the environment in which they operate. The cultural environment is made up of forces that affect societys basic values, perceptions, preferences, and behaviors. The Vietnamese value system is based on four basic tenets: allegiance to the family, yearning for a good name, love of learning, and respect for other people. These tenets are closely interrelated and based on three main religions which are Buddhism, Confucianism and Christianity. Changes in social/cultural environment affect customer behavior, which affects sales of products. Trends in the cultural environment include individuals changing their views of themselves, others, and the world around them and movement toward self-fulfillment, immediate gratification, and secularism. Firstly, in term of role of people in business environment, the women are not expected to reach high position. This is due to influence of Confucianism, which teach people that a woman should devote all her life to take care of household more than going out to seek foods. The woman is rarely appointed to the first position in a company because man who is lower position usually tends to against the commands coming from a woman. In contrast, a man is expected to become boss who should show his knowledge, learning and power. Secondly, Sex is very sensitive issue so that you should avoid it as much as possible. From an advertisement to a uniform should not be more provocative and especially avoid using obscene words in public conversation. The more you are polite the more you have respect from the others. Furthermore,  rewards and slogans are a part of business. In Viet Nam one of the tenets is earning for good name, so people tend to work hard for reaching some rewards or reputation. It seems that Viet Nam is one of countries, which has the most slogans. People usually act upon â€Å"syndrome crowd† but not patient, so it is better to change your company’s slogan frequently in order to collect and motivate workers following that slogan or the company’s goals. Finally, there are some rules out of laws you should know before starting business in Viet Nam. In some case, you are clearly right, yet someone who holds right making decision say that it is wrong, you can do no things except use some tricks to pass. â€Å"Chá º ¡y† means â€Å"Run†, which uses negatively money covered in the names called gifts, is the most popular way to succeed in document procedures or get some competitive advantages. QUESTION 2: Consider the five stages in the adoption process of a new product, and refer to a major purchase you have made. Identify, describe and discuss each step of that process, using your own case to support your discussion. Be sure to be specific and provide as detailed a description of your adoption process, as possible. You should also discuss the different influences and forces that impacted your purchasing decision. This MBA course is the most major purchase that I have ever bought. In term of considering the adoption process of this course, there are five stages which made me lead to this decision. Firstly, at the beginning of the process, the stage of awareness, which means that the consumer becomes aware of the innovation but lacks information about it. In my situation, I made this plan for a year ago but did not know where I could apply and how its quality was. I started to search for essential information about this course before opened six months ago. After gathering much of raw information, there were four choices which I could make such as RMIT, Hawaii, Columbia and Troy. Secondly, in the Interest stage I began to analyze that information, which could classified into some categories or criterions. Basing on these terms, I matched them to my requirements and made a decision for the most suitable. Finance was the first my issue because all of these course had the  quite high fee. I removed any course that I could not afford. Quality was the second issue I considered very much because I did not want to invest the big money for getting nothing. Time was the last one, which could impact on my decision. It was not only how long this course took and what time a class began. Moreover, I called assistants for more detail information about this course and asked them to send me some materials related to it. Therefore, I had a quite clear view of those courses and easier to make the final decision. Next, after all things considered, I chose MBA program of Troy, which was the most suitable and met more requirements. Those were the fee that I could pay for, the time that I could arrange with work. This happened in the Evaluation stage of adoption process. In the next stage, Trial, in my opinion this might be the transfer course time because I could evaluate the quality and quantity of this program. How was about teachers? Should did I continue or not? And finally, I decided to take this course –Troy MBA 5th intake in March. QUESTION 3: Refer to the article: VN has lucrative retail market: Research and Markets, from Vietnam News (June 15, 2011), copied below. 1. In your opinion, what are the reasons why modern retail concepts may work in Vietnam. Vietnam is famous for a traditional retail, with much many of convenience stores and mini markets placing at anywhere as possible. Therefore, people are formed a habit to buy their needs there. However, I personally believe that a modern retail formats will develop in the short future. There are some reasons why this kind of retail is able to compete with the traditional retail stores embedded in society. Firstly, Vietnam is a developing country with economic growth of around 6.8 per cent in 2010 and will be kept steady for some next years. This means that average income will be increased and then demands more for variety products, quantity and quality of products as well. Consumers tend to buy products that may be different, style, fashion, or special with mass volume and expected price. All things create a strong force for traditional store or mini market, where only offers convenience goods with limited brands, how to meet those demands. Time by time, these stores are not able to satisfy customers’  increasing needs, so that is time the modern retails such as supermarket or hypermarket develops. The second reason is a change of lifestyle. The young generation is more active and dynamic and shopping is one of the most favorite outside activities. Shopping now is not just for buying something but also for enjoying and relaxing. Furthermore, modern people have less time for buying, so they usually go shopping for much more goods in once and then put all of them in refrigerator. The supermarket or hypermarket can meet these requirements easily. The third reason is a strong influence of western culture, which is appearing more clearly recently. The Internet is developing very quickly in Vietnam, so people are able to access to information about western countries easily. The young people tend to western-oriented life, they respect and pursue the modern world with arranged colorful big cities, luxurious cars, and entertainment industry. This changes the way they live and go shopping. Finally, in term of demography, according to the General Statistic Office (GSO) Vietnam population in 2011 in total was 90,549,390 (July 2011 est.) with median age about 27.8 years. This means majority of the population is young and working class with higher purchasing power. The low median age of population means a higher current consumption rate which augurs well for the retail sector. This youthful, exuberant generation, bred on success will not drive the productivity but also set a spiraling effect on consumption and generation of income. 2. In your opinion, are there any pitfalls? If so, explain. There are some pitfalls, in my opinion, in retail market in Vietnam. Shopping habit is the most important one of those. Going to convenience store or mini market to buy necessary things every day is the way the Vietnamese have been doing for a long time. â€Å"Chá » £Ã¢â‚¬  (small market or store) merges in everywhere that makes people more comfortable to buy. Just walk out of home several feet steps, you can encounter many of small stores in  which they sell almost the vital things for living. Moreover, 80% of population of Vietnam who are living in rural areas, where are lack of information about modern life. Thus, retailers should gradually penetrate to these markets to form a shopping habit instead of investing a big budget in style and strange supermarket there. 3. In your opinion, what would be the â€Å"factors critical to the success of the retail industry in Viet Nam†? It is difficult to fit a successful international format directly and expect a similar performance in Vietnam. The lessons from multinationals expanding to new geographies also point to this. For example, Wal-Mart is highly successful in USA but the story is different in Asian countries like China. Therefore, it is important for a retailer to look at local conditions and insights into the local buying behavior before shaping the format choice. Considering the diversity in terms of taste and preferences prevailing in Vietnam, the retailers may go for experimentation to identify the winning format suited to different geographies and segments. For example, the taste in south is different from that in north and this brings challenges to the retailers. Therefore, most of grocery retailers are region centric at this point in time. // may indirect There are some key ways to develop modern market formats. The first, Try and Error mean that a number of retailers are in a mode of experimentation and trying several formats which are essentially the representation of retailing concepts to fit into the consumer mind space. The second, Increasing Acceptance of Rural Markets to exploit mass and potential market // In my opinion, there are two factors critical to the success of the retail industry in Viet Nam. The first factor is that our country’s economy is developing day by day, this lead to change in lifestyle and increase income. Therefore, lever of expenditure is getting higher and the ways to sell and buy is forwarding to the international market formats. The second is that the government of Vietnam gradually reduces barriers of trade by  imposing some laws to favor more foreign investors and also removing some absolute laws. Moreover, Viet Nam has been a member of the WTO since 11 January 2007, this means that it has to play following the same rules and the same trade environment. This offers large and bright road for retailers to dominate in potential retail market in Viet Nam. QUESTION 4: Refer to the communication model described in class, and use two locally available brands of FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods), one Vietnamese and the other foreign. Describe, in details, how each brand goes through the elements of the model in their communication with their respective audiences. In your opinion, which one does a better job at communicating, and why? Coca-cola is the most famous brand in the world. It firstly introduced to Vietnamese in 1960 and then immediately received impression from people. After 34 years absenting, in 1994 Coca-cola turned back to Viet Nam as a symbol of America and the number one of producing carbonated beverage in the world. Basing on advantages of famous brand, Coca-cola made a great marketing plan to penetrate in Viet Nam. With this strategy is to create differences and diversities, Coca-cola now holds 65% market share and provides around 25000 jobs for Vietnamese. The question is that how can Coca-cola reach to these achievements when it came to Viet Nam later than Pepsi, the strongest competitor in Viet Nam; when the biggest competitor, Pepsi, has already set up factories and distribution channels completely throughout the country. It may find out some answers to this question in marketing strategies of those. Moreover, in cognitive stage, Coca-cola wants to transmit a messages â€Å"Serve all people†, so Coca-cola uses a great strategy marketing to inform, persuade and remind people. Advertising is the most powerful weapon that Coca-cola used to get potential customers’ attention. It is difficult to find corporations which really fund for advertisements a budget equaling to costs of production, but Coca-cola do this for polishing its brand. Its purpose is to put in consumers’ mind an image of drinking, which is number  one, which is healthy, which is friendly with environment and so on. With young people who are active, enthusiastic; who willing to try different things, Coca-cola used effervescent and provocative advertising clips included a short slogan, which may satisfy ego-centric trends of youth. Moreover, it is wise and creative to use images generating family atmosphere, the most important element in Viet Nam’ value system. Coca-cola has been doing it well by using the box of 24 bottles or cans, which is decorated swallows, happy family, peach tree, cake and something else related to Tet festival in Viet Nam. This creates in consumer’s mind loving, warm family atmosphere, which in turn put in mind images of relationship between Coca-cola and Tet deeply. Because Tet is very important day of Vietnamese, so Coca-cola usually launches large-scale advertising campaign throughout Viet Nam territory. Especially, a series of items, with new packing, style, and attractive colors, were introduced in â€Å"Happiness Factory† in 2009 Tet. In the affective and behavior stages, the customers really engage in activities to create their interest and desire of buying coke. Coca-cola uses very creatively diversity ways such as Money off coupon, Competitions, Free gifts, Point of sales materials and so on. It always chooses one or combined ones for specific or regular time to be launched. It seems that you have to be seen Coca-cola brand or related things every day. On the newspaper or television, on the billboards or posters, on the way you go to work or come back home, or even in the toilet you may see its logos. It is designed to draw in your perception without annoying you. For example, Coca-cola give you free of five style cups, which are printed its logo, in each box of 24 cans you buy. Sometimes you may be engaged in a game of collecting lids to win a car, television or valuable prizes. Understanding an extremely passion of Vietnamese about football, Coca-cola usually hold big programs in the important football events. From donating for the national football team to creating crazy fan club, from some games for prizes to some products for souvenir, all are launched professionally. Sometimes, Coca-cola becomes a major sponsor for a football contest. Coca-cola is usually willing to fund for community campaigns: supporting for  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Cleaning international beach† program in Do Son, collaborating with UNDP to launch the program namely â€Å"Cleaning Water for community in Vietnam† and especially its â€Å"Everest Challenge† program in long-term strategy call Live Positively. By using friendly and profitable public programs, Coca-cola makes the relationships with public closer day by day. In the competitive strategy with Pepsi to penetrate in market, Coca-cola uses mobile means such as bicycle, small store to move everywhere for selling and introducing products. Likewise, Vinamilk is one of successful company in Viet Nam in communication with customers. In the cognitive stage, customers, who are almost children, be attracted by a funny, friendly image of milk cows. Vinamilk wants to transmit to customers a message that â€Å"this milk is made from pure milk of cows and sterilized†. By using a lot of images related to farmers, cows, fields, families, and children, Vinamilk contributes to perception of customers that the products are friendly with environment, vital for health, and suitable for every family. In the affective and behavior stages, Vinamilk holds some sport events, become a sponsor for charity programs, especially almost those programs concentrate on poor children, who do not afford for going to school, who are suffering malnutrition and the other adversity situations. This move impresses children and their families to interest more, desire more, and of course, make a decision to purchase more products of Vinamilk. All things considered, I personally believe that Vinamilk does a better job at communicating with customers than Coca-cola in Vietnam. This is due to the ways Vinamilk informing, persuading and reminding are very friendly, funny, and close to its customers. It chooses the right image for right potential customers at the right time. The funny and lovely cow for the children is showed at school, children television programs, children sport events and so on. QUESTION 5: Consider Porter’s value chain and the holistic marketing orientation model. What implications do they have for marketing planning? How would you structure a marketing plan to incorporate some of their concepts? The marketing planning consists of analyzing market opportunities, selecting target markets, designing market strategies, developing marketing programs, and managing the marketing effort. In short, it outlines the specific actions you intend to carry out to interest potential customers and clients in your product or service and persuade them to buy the product or services you offer. On the other word, it shows how and what customer value is delivered. Therefore, Porter’s value chain and the holistic marketing orientation model help marketers to make a better marketing plan, which satisfies both customers and stakeholders. Firstly, Michael Porter of Harvard has proposed the value chain as a tool for indentifying ways to create more customer value. This model comprises a sequence of value-generated activities found to be common to a wide range of firms. A marketer can use this tool for determining what product features, prices and distributions are, how to utilize sales force, sales promotion, advertising, and other communication tools to announce and promote the product. For example, if the marketer wanted to make a new marketing plan, he or she would need to know core competencies of a company, which may be the current production process, distribution channels and sales approach. The value chain model supports the marketer for adjusting and identifying new product features in order to fit that capacities of production process (in Operations activity) and maximize a level of value that exceeds the cost of this activity, thereby resulting in a profit margin. Moreover, basing on current prices and distribution system (in Outbound Logistics activity), the marketer may determine whether to use current system or to launch new distribution channels. Finally, marketing and sales activities and service activities, which are described in value chain, help marketer find out solutions to promote and deliver product better. Whether a new advertising or sales promotion influence over the other activities in the organizational value chain? What is the most suitable support service to apply to this new product? What is about finance situation?. Looking from this picture, the marketer can make a marketing plan more efficiently and maximize the contributed value of each primary activities and support activities in value  chain model. Secondly, holistic marketing can help capture customer value and succeed by managing a superior value chain that delivers a high level of product quality, service and speed. Basing on value exploration activities, which show how can a company identify new value opportunities, so that marketers easily determine what the most profitable segments are. Next, value creation activities, which show how can a company efficiently create more promising new value offerings, help the marketer know who the customer admires, who they interact with and who influences them to craft new customer benefits. This generates a new idea for adding new features, which in turn increase competitive advantages†¦. QUESTION 6 : What brands and products do you feel successfully â€Å"speak to you† and effectively target your age group? Why? Which ones do not? What could they do better? There is a brand and product that made me impressively at the first sight, Heineken it is. I remembered that I saw a first short advertising clip of it on television several years ago. That was about 32 seconds of moment clip led audiences to experience different level of feelings. At the very beginning, it immediately captured your notice by a gentleman fishing for something in a massive freezing ice bucket with huge efforts and patient. It was very curious to want to know what he was looking for, so your eyes being attached on screen as the way advertiser’s want. Moreover, the melodious music of â€Å"Quando Quando Quando† song really conquered my ears and attention. â€Å"Tell me when will you be mine Tell me quando, quando, quando We can share a love divine Please don ´t make me wait again† After some seconds he picked up a bottle of beer with his blushing and trembling hand and then came to his group of two men, who had the same situation. In the last scenario of the clip, three men were looked very cold  with the bottle of Heineken beer in their hand. All things happened to me was no meaning except the curious, funny, and surprising feelings even though closing scene was showed with slogan: â€Å"Never settle for less†. It took me several minutes after to understand what had been happening, and I am sure that you have the same feelings too. You was put an image of Heineken in mind in the intelligent and interesting way. Thereafter, I began to be interested in searching for information about that beer, which owns and manages one of the world’s leading portfolios of beer brands and is one of the world’s leading brewers in terms of sales volume and profitability. Now, I am completely conquered, so whenever having a chance to drink beers I choose Heineken, which is really delicious beer. This clip also influences on the male, who are mature, by using three gentlemen to create good and respect brand of someone else when drinking this kind of beer. It is successful to position and segment target customers. All things considered, there is no need to launch a large-scale and professional marketing campaign order to inform, persuade and remind me, just needs one 32 seconds of advertising clip is enough. On the other hand, there are some brands and products which do not impress me. ThongNhat bicycle is one of them. In the past, possessing a ThongNhat bicycle was an honor of many people, but now it was defeated in its home. Why? There are many main reasons for this consequence. Firstly, its styles are poor and tradition which do not attract the major customers, who are students tending to fashionable trends. Secondly, its price is quite high compared to same kinds of bicycles and a level of living of almost Vietnamese. Finally, its advertising and sales promotion are not good, it seems that you rarely see it on television except through a word of mouth. In contrast, there are many kinds of China bicycle importing in Viet Nam. These ones meet almost requirements of students in particular and Vietnamese in general. China bicycles are very stylish, fashion and the prices are quite cheap, which are all things ThongNhat needed to consider if it would want to develop and get back its golden age. QUESTION 7 : Consider the lifetime value of customers (CLV). What does the concept refer to? Design an example to support your understanding of the concept. The lifetime value of a customer is a measure of the value of the customer to your business. It is the potential contribution of the customer to your business over a period of time. When you know the lifetime value of a customer, you have a benchmark for how much you would or should be willing to invest to acquire a customer. This means that you should see in the long-term to get potential customers instead of looking in the short-term with a high profit in advance. Therefore, concentrating on creating and maintaining relationships with customers, who will contribute to business’ profit by their loyalty, is very important for a business’ success. Toyota is one of the perfect examples for maintaining customer relationships and brands. It recently has announced to receive up to 2.17 million cars because of a brake fault. This move of Toyota shows not only its responsibility for safety of customers, but also its message that it wants to bring high-valued products and services and the most satisfying ownership experience. This is not the first time Toyota make a recall for some errors, so this can prove how powerful to know and correct fault honestly. Behind this action, Toyota firmly understands about what will happen if one of its clients gets an accident because of that fault. What is more, 2.17 clients and even more will be very satisfied and impressed by this honest and responsible service. It is the beginning point for creating lifetime value of customer when those clients say to their children or friends about this, which in turn to contribute more potential customers to businesses. From generation after generation, those who are willing to buy Toyota car for all their lives. This is the way Toyota generates profits when knowing clearly lifetime value of customer concept. QUESTION 8 : As you have learned, everything can be marketed. Think of yourself, and define and discuss yourself in terms of the 4Ps. It is a reality that everything can be marketed and people in general and myself in particular are not exception. In term of the 4Ps, I myself was considered to be a product for sale. Firstly, regarding to Product concept, with a certificate of information technology engineer and several experiment years, I can offer a labor market capacities of researching, analyzing, and designing information systems, especially the management systems in the financial and accounting fields. Moreover, my English skills are quite good enough for working at international environment. I also can work in high pressure, challenge and creative tasks. In term of service concept, I am patient enough to keep up with a long time project, humor enough to break a tension of someone, humble enough to learn from anyone, compassionate enough to help the others as much as possible, and positive enough to believe that the legend world is true. Secondly, Promotion means that customers have to be made aware of the product. On the other word, I have to do something to inform, persuade and remind the labor markets that who I am, what I can offer and how I can deliver my values. It may be a solution to advertize on some working websites, send curriculum vitae to my friends or go to a company order to introduce myself. Especially, I can involve in some scandals for purpose of noticing the others and media as the way some super stars have done. Thirdly, pricing me is quite difficult and sensitive. The price must be high enough to cover costs (tuition, cost of living, costs of job application) and make profits (salary, bonus) but low enough to attract employers. There are a number of possible pricing strategies. The most commonly used are: PENETRATION PRICING – charging a low price, possibly not quite covering costs, to gain a position in the market. By using this method you can have more chance to get a job, and such opportunity may lead you to success. CREAMING – the opposite to penetration pricing, this involves charging a deliberately high price to persuade employers that the product is of high quality. COST PLUS PRICING – this is the most common form of pricing. Costs are totaled and a margin is added on for profit to make the total price. Finally, in term of Place concept, I am living in Hanoi city where I also want to work. Thus, it is convenient and suitable for the companies, which are located in Hanoi too, which are willing to buy my offers. QUESTION 9 : Colleges, universities and other organizations can be classified as service organizations. How can you apply the marketing principles developed in chapter 13 to Troy MBA? Do you have any advice as to how it could become a better service marketer? QUESTION 10 : Think of some of your favorite brands. Do you know where they come from? Where and how they are made or provided? Do you think knowing these answers would affect your perceptions of quality or satisfaction? Coca-cola is the most famous brand in the world. It firstly introduced to Vietnamese in 1960 and then immediately received impression from people. After 34 years absenting, in 1994 Coca-cola turned back to Viet Nam as a symbol of America and the number one of producing carbonated beverage in the world. Basing on advantages of famous brand, Coca-cola made a great marketing plan to penetrate in Viet Nam. With this strategy is to create differences and diversities, Coca-cola now holds 65% market share and provides around 25000 jobs for Vietnamese. In term of ingredients in Coca-cola, published versions say it contains sugar or high fructose corn syrup, caramel color, caffeine, phosphoric acid, coca extract, kola nut extract, lime extract, vanilla and glycerin. Alleged syrup recipes vary greatly. The basic â€Å"cola† taste from Coca-Cola and competing cola drinks comes mainly from vanilla and cinnamon; distinctive tastes among various brands are the result of trace flavorings such as orange, lime and lemon and spices such as nutmeg. Some natural colas also include cola nut; Coca-Cola does not, and chemical testing reveals none. Because cocaine is naturally present in coca leaves, todays Coca-Cola uses spent, or treated, coca leaves, those that have been through a cocaine extraction process, to flavor the beverage. The coca leaves are imported from countries like Peru and Bolivia, and they are treated by chemical company Stepan, which then sells the de-cocainized residue to Coca-Cola. Some contend that this process cannot extract all of the cocaine alkaloids at a molecular level, and so the drink still contains trace amounts of the stimulant. The  Coca-Cola Company currently refuses to comment on the continued presence of coca leaf in Coca-Cola. To this day, Coca-Cola uses a United States license to purify the coca leaf for medicinal use. (sources: Wikipedia). Advertising is the most powerful weapon that Coca-cola used to get potential customers’ attention. It is difficult to find corporations which really fund for advertisements a budget equaling to costs of production, but Coca-cola do this for polishing its brand. Its purpose is to put in consumers’ mind an image of drinking, which is number one, which is healthy, which is friendly with environment and so on. With young people who are active, enthusiastic; who willing to try different things, Coca-cola used effervescent and provocative advertising clips included a short slogan, which may satisfy ego-centric trends of youth. Moreover, it is wise and creative to use images generating family atmosphere, the most important element in Viet Nam’ value system. Coca-cola has been doing it well by using the box of 24 bottles or cans, which is decorated swallows, happy family, peach tree, cake and something else related to Tet festival in Viet Nam. This creates in consumer’s mind loving, warm family atmosphere, which in turn put in mind images of relationship between Coca-cola and Tet deeply. Because Tet is very important day of Vietnamese, so Coca-cola usually launches large-scale advertising campaign throughout Viet Nam territory. Especially, a series of items, with new packing, style, and attractive colors, were introduced in â€Å"Happiness Factory† in 2009 Tet. Coca-cola uses very creatively diversity ways such as Money off coupon, Competitions, Free gifts, Point of sales materials and so on. It always chooses one or combined ones for specific or regular time to be launched. It seems that you have to be seen Coca-cola brand or related things every day. On the newspaper or television, on the billboards or posters, on the way you go to work or come back home, or even in the toilet you may see its logos. It is designed to draw in your perception without annoying you. For example, Coca-cola give you free of five style cups, which are printed its logo, in each box of 24 cans you buy. Sometimes you may be engaged in a game of collecting lids to win a car, television or valuable prizes. Understanding an extremely passion of Vietnamese about football, Coca-cola usually hold  big programs in the important football events. From donating for the national football team to creating crazy fan club, from some games for prizes to some products for souvenir, all are launched professionally. Sometimes, Coca-cola becomes a major sponsor for a football contest. Coca-cola is usually willing to fund for community campaigns: supporting for â€Å"Cleaning international beach† program in Do Son, collaborating with UNDP to launch the program namely â€Å"Cleaning Water for community in Vietnam† and especially its â€Å"Everest Challenge† program in long-term strategy call Live Positively. By using friendly and profitable public programs, Coca-cola makes the relationships with public closer day by day. In the competitive strategy with Pepsi to penetrate in market, Coca-cola uses mobile means such as bicycle, small store to move everywhere for selling and introducing products. This is in its mission â€Å"Server all people†. In conclude, I personally think that if customers knew about where products come from, how products are made, and how products are provided or delivered, they would understand more about products. This makes customers use those products more efficiently, which in turn contribute better image to customers’ perception and satisfy their requirements.