Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Sacco Vanzetti essays

Sacco Vanzetti essays Post World War I nativism was expected and to some extent justified, but was taken to an extreme in the Sacco and Vanzetti case. At this time people were terrified of foreigners and disregarded the fact that any American citizen came to America from either them immigrating or a relative who did. People feared immigrants immensely and viewed many of them as communists. The Sacco and Vanzetti case is a prime example of how people react in prejudiced times. Several factors contributed to Nativism. Propaganda helped contribute to the popular belief of nativism. The Red Scare contributed to Nativism as well. Anything out of the normal way of life or so to speak going against the grain was labeled as communist and struck panic into the country. American people believed what they were told without even considering other options. An example of this is the Judge in the Sacco and Vanzetti case. He was already was prejudiced against them before he heard what they had to say. This lead to the extension of their sentence and unjustifiable deaths. Nativism has many consequences. Many immigrants were taken to Ellis Island, which served as almost a prison for them because people were scared that they were communists and were here to destroy America. The dangers of nativism are really important because it turned neighbors against neighbors and spread a general distrust among everyone. The country was getting divided because of race, religion and beliefs. Terrible things happened because of peoples ignorance and they were too blind to see that nativism threw everyones perspective on the world off. If there werent prejudiced against foreigners then Sacco and Vanzetti may have had a fair trial and could have proved their innocence. Nativism was a terrible thing, but it is only natural to fear the unknown. ...

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